Chapter 28

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I gush on all my stories about the love I get, so I'll keep that to a minimum and just say thank you and I love you guys a lot.

Next story will be out tomorrow, the first chapter is already written!  I hope you guys have enjoyed this one, I have! 

Also, you guys are giving "Abandoned by Doctor" a lot of attention so I might fix that one up for you guys.  

Rose had to admit that she wasn't really that into the idea of leaving their new friends behind, but she had to admit they hadn't really been that good of friends.  So she followed along with the Doctor, her arm in his, drinking in as much of the 1860s as she could before they left.  

The summer heat seemed to do more bad than good to these people, the women fanning themselves in the heat, their cheeks flushed.  The men seemed to be trying to pretend they weren't warm at all, though every once in a while one of them would give a flap of the coat to cool off just a touch.

"You're observing," The Doctor said quietly, breaking her from her thoughts.

She shrugged.  "It's like I said before. This day is dead and gone. I shouldn't even be here, and we ended up saving lives that are gone anyways."

"We saved lives that are important," the Doctor countered. "Very important, very good, and by the way, Rose Tyler, without you I wouldn't have been able to do it."

Rose grinned. "That's why they died, isn't it?" She asked, "In the... In the previous timeline. Because they were both inhabited by the Entity at different times, and it stayed too long. It just wanted help, but it didn't really know the damage it was doing to them."

The Doctor nodded. "It was scared, so it reached out the only way it knew how."

Rose hummed in agreement, feeling satisfied. "And me?"

"Bad Wolf," he said bluntly.

"And I'm not cold anymore, but the heat isn't getting to me either."

"You're probably still a bit chilled," he told her as they approached the TARDIS, "So your body doesn't register the heat as much as it normally would."

He opened the door to their blue box open and she entered, throwing him a grin as she passed. He followed her and shut the door with a flourish behind him. "Right!" He ran up to the console and pulled the bigger sonic device out of his pocket, fitting it into a crevice on the console that it had probably been based on. "This will track the origin of the Entity and we can take it home. Go get into some regular clothes, you know how we are with the running."

"And you hate the corset."

"And I hate the corset. A lot. Go on, then."

She beamed over her shoulder at him before darting down the TARDIS corridor, stroking one of the walls on the way in greeting.  She nearly tripped over her skirts before remembering to lift them as she ran towards her room. 

The door swung open for her and Rose giggled.  She looked up at the ceiling.  "Miss me?" She asked happily as she entered her room.  She sighed at the familiarity of it but really knew she didn't have a lot of time to get sentimental.  After all, she wanted to see the planet that the Entity lived on.

As if sensing her urgency, Rose felt the inside of her dress loosen.  The TARDIS really was a brilliant ship, she reminded herself as she took off the over dress and slid the loosened corset off of her.  She quickly changed into a t-shirt, hoodie, and jeans, breathing a sigh of relief as she finally slid her feet into her trainers.

After brushing her hair and teeth rather thoroughly, she headed back out to meet the Doctor where he was in the console room.  He was leaning his back against it, waiting for her.  His face lit up in a smile and he stepped forward to pick her up into a crushing hug.  She had to laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  "You just saw me," she said.

"I know," the Doctor shrugged and moved back to the console.  "But I've got some news.  I've found the planet the Entity originates from.  It's called an Oxrid originally and is from the planet Orixcod."

Rose gave him an odd look in response.  

"I know, it's not... Come on, Rose, you've heard weirder ones than that."

"Fair enough," Rose shrugged, bouncing on the balls of her feet.  "Are we there then?"

"Almost," The Doctor nodded to the console.  "We are en route."

Rose threw herself onto the jumpseat.  "And you know how we're going to release it back into its home?"

"It should be relatively simple, but," he flapped a hand vaguely in her direction, "Hard to explain in English."

Rose nodded, accepting the response and content to watch him pilot them to where they had to be.  They landed relatively smoothly, Rose only felt like vomiting once, and they let the TARDIS with both sonic devices in hand.

Orixcod was a mostly barren planet filled with Oxorids not unlike the Entity they currently had in their possession.  Rose supposed they didn't need a lot of plants and animals when they were a gaseous species.  

As if reading her thoughts, the Doctor leaned down to whisper in her ear, "They feed off of natural gasses of the air.  It's virtually the same as Earth, and they can leave the atmosphere at will.  Our little friend here probably thought it was going home and ended up lost on Earth instead."

Rose turned to look at him, almost brushing their noses together.  "How come it didn't just go back home?"

"It was scared," The Doctor responded, his eyes zeroing in on hers.  "And it didn't know about Earth, only that it was there and didn't know which way was home."  As if unable to resist, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before walking a few steps in front of her.  "Let's release it, shall we?"

He offered her a smile and she approached him.  They both sat down on the barren ground with the large sonic device in front of them, the screwdriver in the Doctor's hand.

Rose looked around at the green spirits whizzing around them.  She'd never been a fan of the color, but somehow, the way they moved was so graceful and filled with a joy she could somehow feel, and it made her laugh, simply because she could tell that they were happy.  

The Doctor smiled over at her and reached his free hand out to slip it into hers.  They watched each other for a moment and the Doctor pointed the screwdriver at the other device.  After an odd ticking sound came from it, it made its standard buzzing sound and the bigger sonic device split open, slowly and mechanically.  It made a hissing sound as it opened, and the green soul inside seemed to awaken.  It shifted slowly and then shot into the air at top speed.

The feeling of joy seeped through the Doctor and Rose and she turned to him, grinning.

"Do you feel that?" She asked.  "What is it?"

"They're thanking us," The Doctor beamed as he helped her to her feet.  "We've brought their brother back."

Rose was unable to contain the happy grin off her face as his hand slipped into hers and he led the way back into the TARDIS.  She turned back to him and watched him carefully.  "Okay, now what?" 

"Now, it's you and me, Rose Tyler, and we can go anywhere you want."

She didn't find it in her to leave just yet, not when she'd properly found it.  "I think you and I have earned a holiday."

He raised his eyebrows.  "We can go anywhere you want."

"No, no, an in-TARDIS holiday, pool, beach, garden, all of it.  Alright?"  She gave him a teasing look and he responded with a big grin.

"Anywhere you want."

The Doctor and Rose Tyler, having a oddly domestic holiday in the TARDIS after saving the world again.

Just as it should be.  


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