Chapter 17

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Guys when I got a Wattpad it was just to read never to write and that cracks me up.

Even though he told her he was going to prove something to her, he held himself over her, waiting for her to make the next move.  Rose swallowed and reached up to trace his nose.  Her other hand joined in and she cupped his cheek.  "Then why didn't you want to stay with me?"

He sighed and dropped to kiss her slowly and languidly before pulling back to address her question.  "Because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to restrain myself."  He said it almost as if he were embarrassed. 

Rose arched an eyebrow.  "And yet you were willing to let me lay there and feel my blood freeze?"  Her voice was dull, and she knew he could tell he was losing her.

  He clutched her shift with one hand, trying to keep her as close as possible before she tried to get away.  "Yes, if it meant protecting you."

She felt aftershocks of the cold go through her, and she shivered.  The Doctor caught it and lowered himself almost fully on top of her.  "Rose, let me warm you up."

She giggled. "You did not just say that."

He kissed her cheek.  "Pretty appropriate," his lips drifted to her nose and then her other cheek.  "Wouldn't you say?"

He didn't give her a chance to respond before he shifted down to kiss her again.  One of his hands came up to cradle her face and she moved hers to begin work on his Oxford buttons, never moving her mouth from his. 

It seemed as though, all of a sudden, he couldn't get close enough to her.  How he was even holding himself up, Rose didn't know, but she was appreciating the feel of his hands all over her to object to him or ask him. 

She eventually had to move away from him to see what she was doing and reached down to undo his last button.  On her way back up, she dragged her hands along the taut muscles of his stomach and chest, watching his expression. His eyes fell shut and he dropped his forehead to hers. 

"So you're not doing this just for me?" She asked slowly, as if afraid of the answer. 

He opened his eyes again, which were almost completely black, and as an answer, kissed her again.  It was harsh and desperate and Rose couldn't breathe, nor could she bring herself to care about that fact.  She pulled him down completely on top of her, pulling him as physically close as she could get him. 

His arms wound between her back and the bed, and it should've hurt, him lying completely on top of her like this, but it really didn't.  Instead she felt protected, somehow loved, and warm.  So, so warm.  She felt as though any moment she had thought she was cold she had been wrong.

Sensing her need to breathe, the Doctor moved his lips from hers to her jaw, down to her neck, sucking and nipping and taking in her skin in hot, wet, kisses, being careful not to leave any marks.  He moved slowly down her chest before reached the neckline of her shift.  He looked up at her through his lashes, suddenly and clearly begging her for permission.  

Unable to speak, she nodded, and he grinned.  He attacked her mouth once more before undoing the laces at the top of the gown.  Before he could get any further with that, though, she pushed at his shoulders.  The rate at which he went back to sit on his knees made her feel guilty, even though she wasn't trying to stop him. 

She followed him up, sitting on her own knees to push his oxford off of his shoulders.  Understanding, he let it fall, and it slid from her arms onto the floor at the foot of the bed.  She watched him for a moment, running her fingers over his chest, and then leaned forward to pull him into a hug. 

This familiar territory in the midst of something so new was very comforting, and the Doctor found the same comfort she did, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in the side of her neck, inhaling her. 

She felt the double pounding of his hearts against her chest and slowly pulled away from him, watching him steadily as her hands slid down his bare arms.  He watched her curiously, since she'd now proved to be unpredictable when it came to this.  She slid back onto her bum and started to pull her stockings off, but he stopped her by tackling her down onto the bed.

The urgency had returned tenfold, and suddenly Rose's stockings were gone and she knew she hadn't been the one taking them off, so she was pretty certain it had been the Doctor.  She couldn't bring herself to think about it too hard, though, when his mouth was doing unspeakable things to her and all she could hear was them breathing raggedly through their noses. 

He slid his hand up her bare outer thigh and let out a long, low, groan, as if remembering he was touching places of her he never had before.  He pulled away from her mouth and reached down for her left hand.  She gave it to him and he lifted it to his cheek, nuzzling into her palm.

He kissed every finger before kissing her palm over and over, his breath and lips warming her from the inside out.  Her eyes fluttered shut as she realized what he was doing.  That hand had been the first part of her he'd ever touched, and he was now giving it it's full respect.  He laid the hand reverently back down and gazed down at her.

She lifted her eyes to his and cocked an eyebrow.  "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked quietly.

He smiled at her and leaned over again, covering her entirely.  She slid her hands up to his shoulder and arched her eyebrows, silently asking her question again.  He sighed and lifted a shoulder.  "Because you're beautiful."

"Charmer," she said teasingly, running one of her hands through his hair.  "Stay with me?"

He tugged at her shift.  "Oh, yes."

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