Chapter 1 Found True Love at First Sight

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*warning sexual part in chapter*

(Y/n) pov.

One night I was just reading a lemon of Ticci Toby x reader and I was so into it that I didn't know someone was behind me.

Then all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly turned my head to see.

The Famous Ticci Toby standing right behind me and I fangirl in my head.

Then I stood up realizing that he was most likely here to kill me and then what I didn't expected was him to unzip his zipper of his pants.

Then he took it off along with his boxers while walking towards me and me backing away.

He kept moving closer and closer then I ended with my back to the wall feeling powerless.

He started to remove everything else and.......
I woke up from my dream and sighed I was truly in love with a made up person from the internet.

I got out of bed realizing it was still night time and it was raining.

I checked the time it was like 1:00 a.m. in the morning. I sighed and got up went to the bathroom.

While walking to the bathroom I got I feeling I was being watched, so I turned around and there was.......

The Ticci Toby, but this time this is not a dream, but it's reality right in front of me.

He looked at me straight in the eye while I was also staring into his. It was almost a golden color, but at the same time it was a chocolate color.

We both did nothing and said nothing. But I wanted to kiss him and also wanted to run away.

So I pulled off his mask and kissed him on the lips to my surprise he kissed back.

He pushed me against the wall and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

We pulled apart both of us panting like wild dogs running a marathon.

He smiled and played with my hair. I smiled back and said "I love you, Toby."

He smiled and said "I love you too,    (Y/n)"

He carried me to my room and we both fell asleep. I let the darkness consume me, while being hugged in warm strong arms.

Loving Ticci Toby x Reader Secretly being a Werewolf (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant