7. Connor

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Everything hurt.

There wasn't a single part of my body that didn't ache or sting, yet all I could do was lie helplessly on the floor, waiting for someone to come and save me. My head was pounding from where it had hit the floor and I couldn't see clearly - my vision was blurry and I could only make out certain shapes. The loud ringing in my ears blocked out nearly every sound around me, and it felt like I was underwater. I could hear my Dad shouting but I didn't know what he was saying, or whether it was even being directed towards me. All I knew was that I was unsafe, but I couldn't get away.

I reached out and took Mom's hand. She was unconscious beside me but I was determined not to let her go. From what I could see, she was losing a lot of blood and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I was too disorientated and I couldn't concentrate on anything, the pain shooting throughout my body making it too difficult to concentrate on anything. I blacked out again moments later, the pain becoming too much.

I woke up in pain. Fortunately my senses had returned so I could see and hear again, but I wished the pain would stop. I knew there would definitely be plenty of evidence scattered over me within a few hours. I sat up slowly, listening for the slightest sound that would show Dad was around. Luckily, the house was silent. I looked across to my right and I could've sworn I felt my heart stop. Mom was lay face down on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her. She was covered in bruises and cuts, some worse than others, but still all as horrific. The sight made me want to cry, scream and throw up all at the same time. It was a relief that Dad wasn't home - it meant I could get help.

I nudged Mom a couple of times to see if she'd respond. Surely if she'd been unconscious for a while, she'd wake up soon. When I got no response, I questioned if she could hear me, and if she could hear me to squeeze my hand. Again, I got no response. She was completely still. Then the panic began to set in. I tried to roll her over onto her back, but I struggled due to my muscles feeling weak. My next instinct was to grab her wrist and check her pulse. I tried both wrists. I couldn't feel any sign of a pulse whatsoever.

"No," I breathed. "Fuck, no. Mom! I need you to wake up now. Come on, Mom, please!" I begged, shaking her in the hopes of awakening her. Once again, I got no response. I ran to the living room, stumbling over my own feet a few times, and grabbed the phone, dialling the number for an ambulance.

"It's my Mom. She's knocked out and I don't think she's breathing, I don't know what to do. It's just me and her and my Dad's gonna be home soon and I just don't know what to do please help me."

Hanging up the phone, I dropped it to the floor without caring if it broke and ran back to the kitchen. I collapsed by Mom's side and began sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't even hear the ambulance arrive until they began hammering on the door and shouting my name. I let them in and all I could do was weep beside Mom while they lifted her onto a stretcher. They began checking for a pulse or a heartbeat, whilst trying not to worsen the gaping wound on her head. Her beautiful face was covered in dried blood, and bruises were scattered across her chest. She looked so helpless and vulnerable and the sight made my heart break. I still had a tiny bit of hope in me that she'd make it, until I felt a paramedic place a hand on my shoulder and look me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. She was already gone, there's nothing we can do to save her. I'm so, so sorry."

In that moment, I felt my entire world collapse around me. Yet I couldn't feel anything. I was just numb. And now, I was on my own.

I didn't go to college for a while after that night. The following day, I'd had to speak to the police. I knew it was my opportunity to speak up about the way Dad was treating us, but I was terrified. I knew they'd be able to help me and take me away from him, but the idea of having him coming after me for the rest of my life was enough to give me nightmares for months. Instead, I told them we were attacked by a large group of burglars. I don't know how they believed my story since Dad's DNA was bound to be all over both Mom and I. Regardless of that, I had to return home to Dad.

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