chapter 1

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hey everyone! I'ma back!

well, since you cold hearted people wouldn't help me, i had to think of something myself.

so here it is.


chapter 1 (nico's POV)

"Just to let you know, I'm not happy" I said fo the hundreth time.

" Thats nice dear," my mother mumbled as she fiddled with her smart phone. The same thing she's been doing for the past seven hours, pretty much ignoring the world around her. It took eight hours to get from the noth edge of colorado to the bottom arizona, my dad's been driving the whole time (also ignoring me) so the only thing to do was look at the brochures for my parent's new job.

"hey dad," I asked hoping to break the scilence.

"Yes" he answered, noticing how pleased i was that he was talking.

"i was just wondering where i was going to school,you never told me."

"oh right, we did forget to tell you," he laughed,

when he stopped cackling his head off, he started to go silent, "Uh, dad?" i asked.

"It is a private school for the children who's parents have the same job as me" his father replied.

"um, what exactly is your job?"

"uhhhhhhhh, so honey, how's your new phone"

"I'll tell you once I get it figured out."

"You mean to tell me you have been trying to figure that phone out for seven hours."

"Oh dad, cut her some slack. You guys are old. You're just not technically advanced" I retorted "so, dad, what did you say your new job was.

"I cannot tell you that right now. You will learn when you start school next month, all I can say is that your school is also a training school, and someday you will do the same thing I do.

I crossed my arms in defeat,"fine."

My dad just smiled. And it went on like that for the rest of the trip.I dozed off after god knows how long, and woke up to the sound of a very loud ringing noise.

" GYAHH!!!"

"hey, sweetie," my mom whispered," I'm glad you're up. Look, we're here, welcome to your new home."

"whaa?" I looked out my window to see the new place. There was a huge magnificent dome like building in front of me.

"WOW. Is that our new house ?!"

" Nope. That's where your father and I work."

Right next to the dome was what looked like a giant rubik's cube. " Is that where we live?"

"Nope, that's your new school. This is where we live."

In front of me were these two apartment buildings. Well, they looked like they had four penthouses stacked on top of each other. We stopped at the second set of penthouses.

"well son, here's your home. We'll help you bring up your bags in the morning."

"Woah woah woah. You mean I get one of these penthouses all to myself?"

"Of course not, you'll be sharing with your new roomates. Goodnight."

The next thing I knew, I was thrown out of the car by eager parents into the desert sand.

"Your dorm is on the top floor," they yelled back at me.

I got up, dusted myself off , and headed towards the door.


That's all you're getting until somebody that isn't my best friend votes and leaves a comment.


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