Epilogue - Letter from Marcel || END ||

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Linette and Leon,

Hope you lovebirds are doing well. All is fine and dandy back at the new Sangria Estate. Still can't believe you've put me in charge while you two are gone. Once you get your ass back here, you'll be in the boss's chair, Leon. And I've rigged it with traps for your sorry ass.

On a positive note, I've had a blast whipping the traitors into shape (literally, may I add). The Viridian family has locked up Van for good. Don't know how they managed to revive him after what Frey did to him, but I guess a couple months sleep and everyone's feeling better.

Oh, and Rei's incessant nagging has been driving me up the wall. I knew he used to be a man "living in the shadows" before but really? He's more annoying than that horrid sewage system back in our first headquarters. Remember that? Yeah, I don't want to, either.

Anyways, Rei's been chasing your mother like a puppy. She seems kind of oblivious to the fact though, despite the fact that he's already started saying his nagging is because he's "worried about his future daughter". Yeah. It's happening. And you can't imagine how similar Silvio and Rei are now after Rei took him under his wing. As a makeshift "apprentice" (more like miniature clone if you ask me), the two are going to be a pretty nasty pair of father-in-laws to deal with once you two come back from overseas. The brat's gotten insanely smart though and he's already on his way to making a fortune in the wine business with some of Rei's help and "inside contacts". Yeah, don't pry too much on asking who these "contacts" are if you plan on having two legs when you wake up tomorrow.

Linette, your mom has been well but incredibly busy. Honestly, she's kind of a mystery to me because she disappears for days at a time and comes back with all these crazy ideas and plans. Just yesterday she came back and said that she found out how much installing and maintaining a petting zoo costs. Should I be worried?

Oh, and she's also been setting me up for a ridiculous number of blind dates. Can you tell her to stop it?

Anyways, Dante has been great. Never thought I'd be a dad but I've officially adopted him now. If you think Silvio's smart, just wait until you see some of the strategies Dante's come up with, including this notorious design for a new... You two are going to call me a doting father, aren't you? Shut up.

So long has it been now since you guys have been travelling? Four months? A lot has changed since then. Once you sit in on a meeting with the Sangria, Viridian, Celandine, and Tyrian heads let me know if you manage to not sh*t yourself. I've got to get new mops every time the meeting's held here.

That said, I still find it amazing to see all the big bosses gather together harmoniously. Adonis, Alyssa's father (Who is surprisingly frightening despite having a bit of a complex about his name. No one knows yet. We're all to refer to him as "Big C", which is frightening in itself.), myself, and Tarra. It was definitely strange at first to recognize him as an ally after all that's happened, but he's proven to be a powerful ally. I guess you can say within this circle Adonis definitely stands at the top, and everyone else approves. His family's typically claimed the so-called "throne", and the other families (including ours, might I add) want to stay low for a while.

Tarra's agreed to get his family to supply and work under the Viridian family as an apology for all the tragedies and misfortune that has happened. Adonis wrote a contract, and the two seem to be getting along splendidly.

I haven't heard much about Frey as of late, but from the little I gathered from Tarra (and I do mean little, even now, the man barely talks unless it's necessary), he's been under house arrest since but has been doing well. Tarra chats and spends time with him everyday and he seems like he's starting to come to terms with himself. I heard Frey murdered their parents after they broke a promise they had made him about leaving his younger brothers alone... or something along those lines. I'm sure you know more than I do, but now I can honestly say I'm happy for the outcome. (To be honest, I was this close to wringing your neck when you said you let them get away back then. No hard feelings though, right?)

Speaking about tragic pasts, I heard Van was actually a bastard child. He wasn't the child of the Sangria head at the time. He only found out in his teenage years that his mother had an affair and that the Sangria head was not his father by blood. So he took the matter into his own hands and ended his mother... Perhaps that explains his obsession with bloodlines and family. Considering I've been with him since having been taken in by him so many years ago, I can confidently say that I never truly knew the man... It's quite sad, really. Maybe someday, after years pass by, I'll go visit him again and hear his story... but not yet, he's to pay for his crimes in isolation now.

On an actual happier note, we've got another pair of lovebirds that drop by the odd time to visit the kids. Ares and Alyssa. Can't say I didn't see that coming though, considering Ares is like an open book. It's honestly hilarious to see the man be angry and defensive one second and then shy and submissive the moment Alyssa walks in the room with pancakes. I laugh at him a lot. He hates me for it. It's hilarious.

On a bizarre note, Rosette has become completely infatuated with Arc. Sure, he looks like a bundle of sunshine and all, but inside we all know he's got a few screws loose. And he's seventeen years older than her. So expect to see a lot of Rei-Arc bickering when you come back. It's also hilarious.

All in all, you haven't missed much. I'm sure you two have much more interesting stories to tell, so share.

Wish you two all the best.


Marcel Adnet

PS - The entire family is expecting souvenirs. Good luck.


And that's all, folks! Thanks for all your love and support over the years and hope you had fun being a part of this story with me. Please continue to support me for my future works! <3 Thank you! xoxoxo

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