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Orbiting Mars

0500 Hours

April 7th, 2167

The United Earth Cruiser Excelsior drifted into orbit around the planet Mars, ending it's four month journey from its home planet.

The great red planet below, speckled with craters and rocks, looked perfectly peaceful.

On the surface, in the shape of a star, was Mars Base One. The base sat ten kilometers from Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the solar system. 

The base was now empty, but would soon be filled with the men and women that had spent the past four months of their lives on the Excelsior.

The ship itself looked like an over grown coffee bean. It was mostly flat on the bottom, with the upper portion forming an ovular dome. Two massive duetronium-powered engines protruded from either of the ship's sides.

Inside the men and women began waking, preparing for the task that awaited them on the surface of planet.

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