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"Raven!" I heard my name from afar. I turned around and saw a really pale boy, Ethan, my gay best friend. Ethan is not the typical gay guy. He still prefers to look masculine rather than dressing like a bedazzled gypsy. Recently, he dyed his hair to ash brown which really looked good on him. He always had this innocent hazel eyes topped with thin brows, a plain looking nose, and tiny pinkish lips. Honestly, he looks more attractive than the other boys in the campus. He ran into me and we walked together to school. "Guess what?"

His smile is brighter than the sun and his hands are fidgeting in excitement, eager to tell me something, but there's something more remarkable upon looking at Ethan. "You're really pink today, huh. I guess something big happened to that Korean boy of your life."

He cleared his throat and gaped at me, "How many times do I need to tell you that he's Chinese?!"

"Same difference," I replied rolling my eyes. "Anyway, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Oh yeah, kyaaaaa!" he let out an annoying screech. "Lu Han released his new music video. He's so cool and handsome. Oh my gosh! And he's hot! Oh wait! But I just said he's cool. But he's also hot at the same time. THE IRONY IS BEAUTIFUL!" Here we go again... Apparently, Ethan is obsessed into pop culture and the likes, and I'm honestly getting tired of him talking about 'his Lu Han'. But as his best friend, it already came to the point where I can tolerate it. It's really cute and nice seeing someone talking endlessly about their passions and interests.


We reached the university's gate. Ugh! There's really a lot of people roaming here and there. "Why is it this colorful this morning?" I muttered. "Hey Ethan, can you grab those effin' glasses in my bag?"

"Sure." He did what I said and handed the glasses to me. "I really wonder what your eyes see."

"You wouldn't dare." I took a glance of the massive crowd consisting of tiny grains from afar before wearing my glasses. Purple, brown, yellow, red, blue... It's an ocean of infinite shades of colors. Ah no, ocean sounds pretty positive, it's more like an abyss of scattered hue pulling me into chasm.


I'm Raven Kassinique, 16, and I can see colors. Yeah, I know you also can but trust me, this is different. I can see colors, specifically, the color of the aura a person emits. It's been almost three years since I got this ability. I've got into an accident when I was 12 and had been in coma for more than a year. When I woke up, I started perceiving the world differently.

At first it was amazing. I can tell what the mood of a person is. If he's red, better not to talk or argue with him because that color calls anger. It'll be better to patiently wait for him to become yellow because hey, he's definitely in a good mood. This ability helped me a lot into interacting more graciously to people. I had a really bad social anxiety back then but this ability helped me to grow as a human although I don't know how I got it and its purpose.

But lately, this ability became a headache, like a literal pain. Every time I see a crowd or any massive event where there's a lot of people, there's always a pricking pain in my head. I see it as a nuisance especially when the colors don't blend well.

That's why I started wearing glasses. The thing is, I don't see their aura if something is blocking my sight even if it's transparent or crystal clear. I also tried wearing circle lenses and the results were the same. But I prefer to wear glasses so I can use this ability on and off without worrying about the excruciating headaches. Who knows, this might come handy.

And oh, Ethan's the only one who knows about this ability. I'm still trying to figure out how he ended up believing me instead of making fun of me for I'm stuck with this fantasy where everything's not true.

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