Chapter Four: Actions speak louder than words

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warning!!! this scene may contains violence, other than that please enjoy :)

Dominic's P.O.V

"just tell me because I can tell you've been a bit off since dinner" she said looking at me dead in the eyes. I couldn't take it any longer, I love her but this isn't the way.

"it's you!" I yelled. After saying that, she just froze right on the spot gobsmacked and I can see all kinds of thoughts roaming around that head of hers.

"what do you mean me what have I done wrong I don't get it" she questioned looking confused.

I sighed and sat down onto the bed "just forget it"

"no I will not forget it! You're blaming me for something I apparently have done and you can't even explain yourself" she exclaimed.

I stood up and sauntered towards her with my nostrils flaring with anger, (how dares she shout at me) I was too much in a temper to calm down, she should of just listened to me. "do you really want to know why it's you, your ways sicken me and I'm tired of hearing about you and your stupid music that is going nowhere. I've tried so hard to stick by you, really I have been a really good boyfriend cooking food looking after you" I could see it in her eyes that she was speechless but as well I could see in her eyes how selfish she really is. I punched the wall in annoyance, to grab her attention. "all you care about is you and your music career, but really babes where do I fit into this life plan of yours" I mocked knowing what the answer would be.

"b-but you are in it and you know that all the way through my life" she stuttered, trying to hold back the tears

"don't lie to me Mya!" I yelled, punching the wall again. She flinched at my action and I knew then that she was scared.

"why would I lie, I love you and you love me. This music career is my dream and you know that, this can change our lives so stop thinking of the negatives" she pleaded with a small smile, cupping my face with her two hands. My temper was still raging and I couldn't control it, I flinched away from her hands. "fine... I'm gonna go out for a while because I don't think there's is any more to say to convince you that's I've done nothing wrong" she said picking up her bag and making her way to the door.

"don't walk away from me Mya" I called after her, but she kept on walking. "I said don't walk away from me" I warned her gripping onto her arm.

"or what-" I lost control and smacked her across her face with the back of my hand. I instantly regretted my action as she cupped her now swollen cheek looking at me. "did you just slap me?" she asked looking at me in disgust

"Mya I'm sorry" I apologised she opened the latch and walked out. "sorry" I called after her, sliding down on the door frame.


Since that night it's been pretty silent between us two, I've tried to apologise and make it up to her but she wasn't having none of it. To be honest I don't know what came over me, I have never hit a woman before and never intended to hit her either. I just wish I could rewind that day forget it ever happened. I love her and I never want to hurt her, I'm the one that's suppose to protect her and keep her safe now, she can't even look me in the eye the way that she used to.

I've been pacing back and forth in the kitchen waiting for her to appear, I made my signature pancakes served with bacon and scrambled eggs drizzled with maple syrup. I know they are her favourite and would hopefully put a smile on her face. Today was the day she has been waiting for, going to the warner bros. production to record her new tracks. She has been in the bedroom all week writing lyrics and I do hope her dreams come true. As I hopped onto the stall, I heard her light foot step padding against the floor board, making her way to the kitchen.

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