chapter two: Making it in this world

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As I'm enjoying my sweet dream of becoming a great musician, my alarm instantly sends me out of my dream. I lift my half-awake arm to turn off the alarm, but accidently hit Dominic in the face.

" Ouch! Some people are trying to sleep here" he said in a groggy tone holding his injured eye with his left hand.

I couldn't help but giggle at his weak facial expression, he looked so cute and innocent -only if it match his actions- I lean over to kiss his eye better, hoping it will work. " I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to, I forgot what side I was sleeping on"

" Yeah well with your man hands it wouldn't makes a difference" he murmured in a cheeky manor.

" Ay I heard that" I said offended chucking a pillow at his gorgeous face. Once I did that, he gave me a mischievous smirk and started to tickle me till I fell off the bed... but he still didn't stop. "STOP! STOP!" I yelled gasping for breath. "I'm going to pee my self and I don't think you want to witness that"

"Well since you put it like that" he slurred, continuing to tickle me. " If you want me to stop... beg me" he offered raising a curious eyebrow.

" Please can you stop tickling me so I can go and get ready" I pleaded, kissing his perfectly soft lips until he stopped.

" Fine, but you have to make it up to me tonight" he said helping me up off the ground

" Okay, tonight it is" I replied jogging to the bathroom. As I turned the taps on waiting for the hot water to settle, I went to get my iPod and played my favourite playlist from Alicia Keys.

As her first song started to play, I stepped into the bath, feeling the warm droplets of water cascading down my body. I was so excited about today because I had a interview with my new music producer of warner bros records discussing the fact I want to become a performer; I have always loved singing and playing my guitar since I was thirteen and now I have a chance to become somebody. After I jumped out of the bath, I got changed into slim fitting dark blue jeans with a simple peach coloured vest that emphasises my bust and matching brown leather high-knee boots and jacket. The closer I got to down stairs, the more I could smell his signature egg and pancakes he loved to makes. Rushing the rest of the way down, I make my way to my spot and didn't hesitate to dig in.

"someone is hungry" he chuckled softly with a grin. I could tell he was pleased with himself, because he always used his cooking skills as a way of getting to me I hated but mostly loved it.

"yep, I need to hurry before I'm late, thank you for the breakfast baby and see you tonight, yeah?" I finished kissing his cheek before leaving the house.

"definitely " he said before I dashed out of the door. "that's my girl" he commented smiling.

I climbed onto my aluminous green scooter, with my guitar strapped to the back making my way to the petrol station before the studio. The que looked like I will be there for days and I really didn't have time for that, so I drove in front apologising to the other customers and made my way to the studio. As soon as I reached my destination, I parked up my vehicle, picked up my bag and guitar and headed inside.

"hello, can I help you with anything?" the middle-aged brunette assistant behind the desk asked.

"umm... yes please I am here for a interview with Mr... Mr. Duncan Ellis" I stuttered as I can feel my nerves taking over me.

"yes Miss.Grant, please take a seat and he will be right with you" she said politely, pointing to the waiting area, without taking her eyes off the screen.

"thank you" I said with a genuine smile heading towards the empty seats.

I was sitting there patiently, repeatedly moving my right knee up and down (which was something I always did when I was nervous), this was my chance to be known and wasn't about to blow it for anything. As they called my name I instantly stood up and made my way to the room that awaits my future. Anticipation was creeping in and I couldn't control it. I popped my beach wood coloured guitar and began to play 'gone' by Lianne la havas but with my own twist.

As i finished playing the song, I looked up in anticipation waiting for his verdict. i opened my mouth to say well what do you think, but Duncan finally spoke.

"wow! you have natural talent and i can see you going places with that voice" he started which made me slightly blush -not that you could see- " i really would like to take you on, but obviously the decision is up to you" he continued

" are you frigging kidding me of course i would love to" i just realised how excited i was being and tried to sound professional

"i mean yes that could be arranged, i am up for the offer... but when do i start?"

"we can start first thing next week, i will contact you for the time and place"

"well thank you very much and i will see you next week" i began to stand up and swing the guitar bag over my back and shook his hand leading to the door.

"it was very nice to meet you Mya"

"like wise" and with that i was off, stalking out of the big tall building that held my future.

As soon as i reached my scooter, i jumped with joy and over whelming excitement, i was too happy to put into words. music career here i come.

I put the key through the hole and turned it till it opened and saw Dominic standing there with 24 lipstick red roses (the date of my birthday)and spaghetti sauce down his apron with a cheesy grin on his face. this is why i love him

" did it go, did they love you?"

i looked down at my feet in fake hurt "what happened baby cake?"

he asked lifting my chin up with his index finger. i looked up at him with sadness written on my face, he pulled my in a hug and stroked my silky hair "ahh baby I'm so sorry, don't worry your so much better. than them" i replied to his hug and whispered in his ear "they accepted me" he pulled me back i'm shock as if i told him i was pregnant. "what!"

"yep they loved me and want me to start next week, we did it baby i'm gonna become a somebody" i said hugging him ,"no you did it and you already was somebody and you still are to me" he stated. i looked into his beautiful hazel green eyes and kissed him passionately closing the door with my foot and leading him to our bedroom. "what about the dinner i cooked?" he asked in-between kisses.

"i'm not hungry for that anymore" i answered jerking my eyebrow up. he smirked pushing me onto the bed and continued to kiss me.

Hope you guys enjoyed this. As always please feel free to vote+fan+comment. thank you!

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