Your a player?...well time to meet the coach 2

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"if it scares you, it might be a good thing to try." -Seth Godin.

The heat slowly creeping up my body was due to pure embarrassment as I stared at the man who stared at Jays hold on my arm, painfully I glared at them both, trying not to notice my squirming friends and the painful hold on my arm. We had the attention of the whole VIP as they watched the scene unfold.

“Whats the Problem J’?”

“ahaha…nothing I brought these two beautiful girls up here, but they were thinking about leaving just know, without even a warning.” they shared a look and looked at us with something close to malice in their eyes.


Trembling I was unceremoniously thrown into the cofs next to HIM while chole was dragged to Jay’s side converstaion started back up and everyone took a breath, everyone except me and chlo’ who was trembling with fear reaching out to confort her I squeezed her hand.

Warm breath tickled my neck an the smell of vaniella overwhelmed my senses.

“Be VERY careful, if you plan on getting out of here doll.”

Wiping around, his dark eyes bored into mine and his hand came and rested on my knee looking indifferent as the other laughed nervously aware of his stony expression, trying to gather ends of their conversation.

Time passed in a blur Chloe’s nerves went beneath the surface and I sat with a uncomfortable smile on my face not uttering a word or taking a single drink, to say I didn’t trust any of them would be a understatement, Axee’s hand slowly got more forceful on my leg until I just wished he’d take it away.

“Dolly’s not playing house properly A?” low and smooth the voice oozed arrogance. 6ft something a Maine of ginger hair and a 5 o’clock shadow the man that swaggered forward was an Adonis and didn’t  he know it. His blue eyes sparkled with mischief, as he winked. Rubbing my arms nervously I moved for what felt like the first time in house, my bear skin stuck with sweat to the sofas boiling surface, the reilf was instant and I sighed bringing all yes to me.

“AH! The stone moves” ginger guy pronounced.

The hand on my leg tightened again, letting out a squeak Axee gave me a filthy looking before grabbing his glass with both hands.

“I don’t pay you to talk-they shared a meaningful look-before glancing back at me-you know what I want you to do. Do NOT screw up, or it your balls.” Axee growled at the man, leaning forward, menacingly until his shirt rose up and his back peered out. Wiping metal dribble away I told myself off and looked over at chloe who reached over and grasped my hand, her eyes in a wild frenzy.

 Your friends scared and your drooling over the ganagster…way to hold your morals girl! This is why woman threw themselves under horses so you can drool at idiots….

Stupid voice!

“I mean it Vince, careful!” Axee ranted and ginger…or Vince gripped my upper arm pulling me up. Still holding on to Chloe for dear life, we were both hauled to out feet.

“Up princess. Its passed your bedtime, apparently.”

Pulling us out the door, I could hear the protest of jay as we left and a soft “later doll.” from Axee puzzled I let Vince pull me along corridors and down steps, into  chained parking yard, abruptly we stopped, letting go of my arms the cold creeped in as we had a stare off, Goosebumps crawling up my arms his eyes sparkling, half his lips tilting up.

A black car stopped a driver opened up the door and vinces voice came out low deep and full of compassion.

“Welcome to the life of a gangster moll, darlin’”


still not great but im working on it! ;) <3

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