Your a player?...well time to meet the coach

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Chapter 1-Game Plan

“I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That’s the thing with girl’s. Every time they do something pretty, you fall half in love with them, and you never know where the hell you are.”

high school. The ultimate game of war, only the strongest survive the weak get thrown to the lions and how the lions like to bite. That’s the thing I’m no lion, I’m a wolf. Or  Scarlet whichever you perfer. Haha. 

The wolf is the ultimate game player, and at the moment I’m In a truly deadly game, with a player who’s bad, cunning and worryingly hot. But before we get to now, let me tell you how it happened…….


The blonde head of Chloe bounced down the hall as she pushed shoved and trampled people to get to me, waving her hands and panting. People gave her dirty looking and sneered as she neared me.

“O.M.G. The Lions. They…they…BROKE UP!”

Let the explain. The lions are the schools IT couple Mia and Axxe. Both hot, both sluts in there own right, it’s a miracle they lasted this long but all the girls wanted to happen the guys too. Mia was gorgeous, blonde, blue eyed as skinny as a rake about as much personality as one too…not that the boys cared. As long as she was on her back, the same went for Axee really, except he wasn’t as straight forward as Mia, he was dangerous, the badboy, who had secrets all the girls wanted him though… we except me I was more of a game player and Axee’s game was way to straight forward for me. I liked a challeneg and that boy was just to easy. Anyways…

“Oh get OVER it babe, it was going to happen eventually…” letting my voice trail off giving her THE look, her wide eyes just looked at me expectantly.

“Stop looking at me like that you know what this means  now! It..its gunna’ be like a jungle in here. Dogs fighting over fresh meat! the girls are going to get bitchy and the boys…”

“as long as we stay out of it”

Pulling Chloe down the hall people moved out of my way as I gave them the stink eye, I wasn’t known around school I was more of just a name, but people knew not to mess with us, or face the wrath of Scarlet Green…psychopath? Maybe…

“SO I heard that Mexe are throwing a silent rave tonight? It is Friday…”

I let her trail of already knowing we’d end up going scuffing my ankle boots on the ground I thought about how I felt venturing in to gang territory. We weren’t the biggest city in the world but the gangs around here were pretty serious the Cobras were notorious for carrying out business in Mexe and that also happened to be the best club around it was so big though you had to be really stupid or extremely unlucky to get involved with any of the gang members me and Chloe had been going forever and we never had a issue yet.

“yeah I guess it will be fun”

Squealing Chloe got into her car and I followed, straightening her skirt she revved the engine.

“Scar, im in the mood for some loooooving….”  laughing I thought typical Chloe, I wonder who the lucky boy is tonight..

***a couple of hours later.. ***

Staring into my floor length mirror I smooth the fabric out on my dress emrabled green and strapless, it clung to my chest and my waist before loosing up and flowing to just bellow my butt…Trashy.  Is what my subconscious scramed at me. Ignoring my thoughts my three quarter length jacket was thrown on top and my studded black wedges, grabbing matching jewellery I listened to the steady snoring of my dad. My light brown hair was in gentle waves to mid black with my bleached ends sticking out in the dark staring and my phone I waited for mine and Chloe’s signal.




Three rings later I was gentley creeping down the stairs and into the hall, I was out the door and slamming myself into her car without letting out a single breath.

Whew. Girl your bad.

Smiling at the sarcasm in my head I looked at chloe while she looked at me.

“Damm. I could eat you.” chloe said jokingly as she stared at me

“Me? But dat ass though.” I said looking at her in a motion she wiped off her shoulders saying I know, as we left.

The drive was short we hummed and joked about, the line was short considering the night, but by the time we got in I was glad I brought a jacket shivering from the cold. Inside was another story, people pushed each other and the bar was crammed.  



Laughing I said id meet her there, my green dress swirled about me as I pushed my way to the bar, ordering JD and coke. I scanned my eyes around drinking, something just didn’t feel right. Catching Chloes red dress and blonde hair, I saw that she already had the victim of the night tall, muscled with white blonde hair, his jeans clung to him and his shirt seemed a little bit to small as his muscles buldged out, his arm wrapped around chloe and I could see her say something and look away.

Watching as she approached I smiled and her and the guy, tumbling towards me she smiled.


Looking at “Jay” I considered his warm smile, looking into his eyes I could see it didn’t quite reach and that he looked oddly…cold?


Hand on hip she gave me an “are you insane look” shaking my head in defeat we headed up the long twirling stairs and through two double doors chloes one hand in mine her others in jays, the music suddly cut off only a low hum. The room was dark and very bare, people sat in shadows giggling and hissing at each other.

“Drinks!” jay announced before dumping us in a corner surrounding by small sofas. The room was a deep red and black, people looked at each other suspiciously, my eyes landed on a well built man, jet black hair, curling to the side and deep 4 oclock shadow, on his rough jaw as black ink snaked up him arm disappearing under his shirt. 

“Chlo’ isn’t that..”

“Axee!” she exclaimed obviously drawn to him as well. We looked at each other if one half of the Lions were here the gang part then that means.

“We need out.”

I stared at Chloe as she looked around us, surprised at her words I did the same now that I looked closer you could see… Dam! Gang tattoo’s over most of the people. I stared at jay at the bar, the sofa becoming sweaty underneath me  as I shifted nervously, on his neck…

Fuck! He was part of the gang.

“Come on.” grabbing chloe’s arm I knew we couldn’t just walk out of here now, that would be stupid, we wouldn’t get within feet of the door if jay didn’t want us leaving. Dragging chloe to the back of the room trying to seem as natural as possible I looked to wear the serving staff were disappearing, the tiny  door, reaching out for the handle I pulled it open stepping forward.


Squealing as the door slammed a pale arm rested over my shoulder.

“Going somewhere?” Jay stood staring at me eyes flashing between the both of us, flashing that cold smile of his.

“err…I….Bathroom?” it came out more as a question as chloe stuttered over an excuse. His hands flashed forward grabbing each of our wrists, spinning us around and wraping an arm over each of our shoulders tightly…to tight. Shifting I knew fighting wouldn’t be a help. 

Think dam it! You call yourself a game player! Its about to be GAME OVER  in a sec, for you…and Chloe!

Screaming at my sub conscious I thought about our options, dragging my feet a little as we approached a table…HIS table, Axee was in conversation with a few older men as we approached he looked up anger flashing in his eyes. Jay coughed and  he pinched my arms.

“Axee.” staring holes through us his cold eyes meet each of us In turn.

“Well, Well, Well what do we have here little mouse…”

AN: woooooooooooo, sooo whatca think

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