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Study hall came, everyone went to their assign classroom. Top students had the advantage of taking the bigger, higher tech room. Meanwhile everyone below gets any ordinary classroom. It's all competition.

This was actually my first time going to study hall.. I have to admit, everyone was so focus. It's hard trying to understand their mindset. It was strange, they didn't even have time to enjoy life while young.

"Kwon Hansu." Announce the teacher at the podium with his 'magic wand' in hand. His face sours up. He gulps the last bit of his saliva before glancing over to Jonghyun who smirked foolishly across the room. "Hurry. We don't have the whole night." He uses the 'magic wand' to tap the podium. Hansu gradually walks to the front of the room with all eyes on him.
Without further ado, he looks up at the teacher. Speechlessly he opens his mouth. But before anything came out, he was dismiss. Never again to come to school ground. He bitterly walks out, assuring he'll get Jonghyun back with one last glance as he slams the door.
"Karma's a bitch." Mutters Jonghyun under his breath.
"What?" Asks Bomi. "You did this?"
"Doesn't matter, you don't need to be picking on others for money to buy drugs."
"What are you talking about?"
"Nothing, see ya!" He salutes to her walking out of class.
Although the teacher shouted for him to come back, he ignores it. He had bigger things in hand to accomplish.

Coming down the staircase he sets out his phone, dialing Old Man. He reaches the phone to his ear before he notice someone coming his way- It was none other than Hansu, what a disappointment.
"You really think this would be the last of me?" Stops Jonghyun in his tracks.
"There's nothing more to you now, what makes you think you can have a comeback." He jokes. "You're no artist, no need for your comeback." He mockingly laughs leaving him in despair.

"Old Man, where are you?"
"Me? Still at the station, why?"
"Yah, you were suppose to be here by now!"
"Aish, shut your trap your bastard. Who told you to steal Nayoung's motorcycle."
"I didn't 'steal'.. I borrowed it."
"Borrowed my ass. Find your own way here. Hurry, we don't have enough time. The team is about to leave."
"Yah! OLD MAN!! If you hang up your dead-!" Before he knew it, Old Man hung up, leaving him to nothing but finding his own ride. "Aish." He hiss annoyingly.

"Don't forget the plan tonight. Make sure you proceed accordingly." Says Nayoung, directing them as they gather everything. She then turns to Old Man. "Moon Dong Shik, as of now, we can't have him on tonight. It's too risky."
"What's he gonna do, sit out? He's been sitting out for the last 3 years."
"And you recall the last time he was actually on a mission?"
"And your point is?"
"He'll fuck up. We can't lose Lion cause some boy thinks he's got it but really don't. It's his safety. And ours."
"Let him go on. Just assure he knows his position. Have Kwon Min Ho as runner."

It all started that night.

All so quick... Every word they spoke, broke me down. Deep. I always knew Noona had no faith in me, but I still believed in myself. I cheered myself; like always.

That night in the back of the truck, they all review the plan, assuring once more everyone knew their parts.
"Old Man."
"What is it this time?"
"Put me as runner." Catching everyone with his request.
"Sit tight for now." Interrupts Nayoung, canceling out his request.
"It's been 3 years! You can't bind me down like this."
"One more word and you're out of this mission." She said as the others stares blankly at him all getting into position.
"Sorry buddy." Minho taps his shoulder as he leaves Jonghyun's side.

Much later that evening when the prey arrives, they all seat themselves in the VIP room, assuring no one is to be in listening distance. All other than workers for the night serving them.
"Hello, today I'll be serving you guys, I'm 'Naoki' and this is 'Yuki' if you need anything. We'll be just right outside." She spoke in Japanese as both Nayoung and Suzy steps out they instantly deviate so they'd be less suspicious. Nayoung then turn to her hidden microphone.
"Everyone is here, all but Lion." Says Nayoung, lowering her voice. "But oddly there's an open seat."
"What?! Open seat?" Exclaims Dong Shik through the hidden the headset.
"There seems to be a replacement coming.. Or this could be a trap."
"Can't be a trap, can it?"
"I'll keep you updated. The listening set should be hidden once the food arrives."

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