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Gradually I awaken to the pitch black room. Catching myself drench in my own bitter sweat. It's fair to say I cry. I let it loose. Let it drip down to stain my pillowcase. In the dark room, I could still see the lining of the room. The dim street light outside my window beaming through my old shackle window that had no curtains but a bathe towel to help.. A bit. As I stare, I calmly regain everything. My strength, pride, love... Family. Knowing all this will leave nothing but an upset empty stomach, I close my eyes. Waiting for the nightmares to come again..

BZZZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZZ!! The alarm went off.
'5 more minutes.' I thought snoozing the alarm. Soon realizing it didn't matter if I were on time or late, I was excuse from school today.

"Yah, Lee Jonghyun!" Exclaim an obnoxious voice barging in. 'Unwelcome guest... Ugh.' Dozing back to sleep after realizing whom it was.
"Hurry, get up. We don't have time."
"Just 5 more minutes.."
"No. Get up or be dismiss."

I couldn't stand a chance to be dismiss on anymore missions. After all, I chose this path for a reason. It's a burden I'll admit, but you'll never get a rare chance like this.

He got up tiredly. His eyes barely opening to the dim lit room. Of course it was only 5am, who'd be awake? Jonghyun got up, not even in a panic of what to wear. But in reach of an old 'white' tee and a pair of destroyed jean and slips them on. Ignoring the fact the 'Old Man' was standing there watching him put in his clothes.
"It must be a hobby of yours to watch me put on clothes, huh?"
"You bastard." Smacking the back of his head. Instantly he groans in pain, yet he nods back respectively. "Hurry, stop fucking around."

The car ride to their destination was dead silent. Mainly cause I was barely awake. In fact, I slept throughout the ride.

"I'm sure everyone here has heard of the news of Park Sang Chul aka Lion escaping. Well, there's more to that. In fact, we can't trace him anymore. We don't know his whereabouts, his communication, NOTHING!" Said a lady with her short hair tied back in white blouse and black dress pants. "Let me get to the point, there's only one way to reach Lion and that's through her!" She aims her laser beam over to a picture on the wall with web correlations.
"Nayoung, you can't use a civilian like that."
"Shaddup IT! You got a better idea?"
"T-That's not it. It's just-"
"She's not a tool. She's human as well. How are you to suggest an idea this disgraceful. Look at it, why don't you use one of his men as bait. Like Crackhead Meth King, I'm sure he's still in our custody." Said Jonghyun, cutting off the guy.
"Lee. Jong. Hyun." Nayoung mutters aggressively. Flares came through her nose. "Follow me." She concluded instantly.

I had only spoke the truth. Was mankind not important?

At the rooftop, where no cameras could be seen, the one place he was shown, he tails her up. She instantly turns to him, making him lose his tracks nearly crashing into her.
"Yah!!" Screaming from her lungs.
"Noona, you're you're much. I'm hungry, wanna feed me." Informally chit chating with her, ignoring the fact that she outrageously furious at embarrassing her.
"LEE. JONG. HYUN! Do you want to die!? Just shut your trap, okay? This is my job. You're just a runner. Get it?"
"And you really think something like that is gonna work? You can't use a civilian like that? Even if you put me out on the battlefield I'll never use a civilian. Don't you get it, it's us, not them. You can't use other lives as tools."
"Jonghyun-ah." Finally understanding him, her voice calmly echoes out. "In reality, the world will never work that way. It's either you use or be used."
"No. It doesn't have to be that way."
"You'll see one day." Patting him on the shoulder firmly. That very moment the sun had just rise above the horizon. Leaving a crescent scenes. Glimpsing its light to them. Foreshadowing both.

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