Fucking Fuck fuck

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Today has been fucking ridiculously stupid.
First off, in my 8th period class these boys were throwing broken pencils at me the worst part is the damn Teacher seen them throwing shit at me and didnt bother to do shit until my friend said something to him. I swear I tried to ignore them but after a while I got mad after the last boy threw something. I couldn't take it anymore.
After class I walked up to the boy and punched him in the stomach and left out.

Then at home my mom constantly yells at me for little bullshit like......shut the hell up. Nobody knows what the fuck I go there and yet everyone likes to mess with my emotions. Its because of the bullshit in my life that I cut myself.

I try to be happy, but every time I do. Something bad happens. One of my favorite shows came on tonight that I was looking forward to watching, but I couldn't the damn cable went out. It waited until I wanted to watch my show to stop working. If I miss SU tomorrow I swear to God has ima break the cable box.

I really honestly hate my life.

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