Sweets and slumber parties

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At the cafe we all sat at a pink booth. Her aunt and uncle mr and mrs. Cake ran the cafe. It was so cool looking. Like a magical gingerbread house. I wondered what deserts they had here.
"7 vanilla-fanilla cupcakes fresh out the oven!" Sang mrs. Cake when she placed a cupcake in front of each of us.
I raised up my hand and grabbed the cupcake gently between my two fists. As I took a bite, my eyes lit up.
"Wow this is great!" I remarked.
"It's pinkie's special recipe!" Said applejack.
"I can get us smoothies to wash it down" said twilight.
"Ok that sounds great! I will get them!" Squealed pinkie as she dragged twilight off.
As we were sipping the last bit of our smoothies, I let rarity and the girls drive me home.
Celestia's husband opened the door.
"Welcome come girls to the sleep over!" He chuckled.
I turned around to see my friends with big fat grins plastered across their faces while the held sleeping bags. A suprise sleepover for me? I felt so happy at that moment. All though I didn't think I needed friends, I just found them as acquaintances. I just didn't have time for friends...
At this sleepover, we painted these things called finger nails. I admit it seemed pretty fun! I painted mine purple and pink. For dinner we ate meat lovers pizza. I had regular pizza before but non like this! It had a bunch of toppings, from bacon to ham. It was soooo good! I guess i had fun with my schoolmates but I had to focus on getting back home. It was the middle of the night. I was the only one not asleep. I felt so homesick. I longed to be with my mother. I didn't know if I would ever see her again. I never even knew her well. Now that I had met her I couldn't really imagine my life without her. All this time I have been wondering about my mother I began to think of my father. When I read celestia's diary, she didn't know what happened to him. He had vanished.
Everyone just assumed he was dead. But me celestia and twilight were the only ones that knew about this whole thing. Well I felt that my father was still alive. Just somewhere. I knew that if I found celestia, I would find him too.

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