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( Jorge and tini are in the car driving to the mall) ( Maria wakes again)

tini:(reachers her hand in the back) shushshshsh baby shshshshs

Jorge: you are a really good mother

Tini: thanks! oh there is a space

Jorge(pulls the car in and gets out) here we go ma ladys

Tini( takes maria out of the car seat) ohhh someone has a smelly bum. Jorge first stop grocer store for diappers

Jorge:okay lets go ( takes tinis hand while tini carries maria to the shopping karts )

tini:( puts maria in the shopping kart and pushes her) ok princess here we go

( they get into the grocery store and head to the baby department and look for diappers)

Jorge: so what size does she need? ( cheching the sizes and prices)

Tini: well id safely say about 2-3 months

Jorge: kk ( grabs that diappers) gottem now what

tini: wipes (looks around) aa here they are oh nd heres the baby powder okay lets go pay ( maria gurgels at tini) aww sweetheart (tickles marias tummy) haha

jorge: haha cute (they get to the till and tini pulls out her wallet) oh-no you dont im paying

Tini: ok cant argue cause i always loose

Jorge:(smirks) true! hey ( puts the stuff up)

Casheir: is that everything? (tini nods ) ok so thats $11.22

Jorge: turns to maria) your an expensize baby arent you ?? haha here you go

( jorge exchanges the money and the walk out)

Tini: alright baby lets get you changed (tickles maria and giggles)

Jorge: i swear if she were realy ours you wouldnt even wanna go to school tomarrow you love her that much!

Tini: shit school! what are we gona do(walks to the baby changing room)

Jorge: we could always bring her with us

Tini: i dont know...... alright baby here we are.(turns t jorge) alright gimme he bag so i can change her

Jorge: kk bujt u might also wanna feed her (points at her upper chest)

Tini: god dammit you eat alot baby girl ( opens the door and walks in with maria. tini changes an feeds maria but as she turns to open the door it gets jammed and maria starts crying while tini is frantically pulling and pushing on the door) Jorge!!! help us please!!! you know i cant do tight spaces please he...lp m...e( maria was still in the changing basket and tini hit the floor knees first with a loud thud)

Jorge:tini tini Tini are you ok in there maria is mommy ok( silence jorge starts to pace back a forth til he sees what appears to be a sledge hammer) ok jorge its ok you will get them out!

(jorge raises the sledge hammer above his head and rapidly plummets it toward the handle. klang and the handle is gone)

???: what are you doing jorge??

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