Author Note

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Hello, i am aware that it has been literal years since there was any kind of update with this book or anything, and i am also aware that i removed it for a while. I apolise for that, however, i wrote this book when i was 15-17, reading back over it i can see how cringey it is. There are some parts where my writing style matures but for the most part it is just really awkward annd some parts are just so strange that i am thinking about toally removing it or re-writing it. As you can tell by this i have grown up a lot, i am now 22 and in College, i dont have the same problems i did when i started this book, however i still have problems and this book was a way to vent those.

I do still love violetta and Tini, Tini Stoessel will always be my true love, so i may continue this or fix it and end the book within a few chapters but you need to bar with me while i do so because this needs A LOT of work to make it better and the story line needs a major fix, it jumps around so much. So if there is still interest i will fix it and if there is no interest then i will delet it. Interact with this chapter if you want it fixed, also if you are interested in me as an Author then you should check out the other works on my page as i promise they are a bit more to my level , although i will warn you that The Unknown; is it worth knowing, does have trigger warnings across the book because of the nature of the story.

Lots of Love
Tara xoxo

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