The Ghostly Dream

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I asked my neighbor to pench me and then I woke up. Hero was laying down, alive. SuperHero was alive and all the pups where ok. I guess I was dreaming all night (the whole last chapter).  I never knew i could dream that long.

So, it was actually the puppys birthday todayand this time the whole town came.  It was fun.  They got a puppy cake with 12 dog bones. 1 for every dog.  Next year it will be 24,  2 for every dog.  They were already 1 foot tall.

They are bigger now than Hero was when she turned one years old.  When I first got her she was about 6 45 inches. Now she is 3 feet.  Is that bad?  Maybe she's the runt.  She's pretty old and the puppas are 2 feet smaller.

I probably should take her to the vet and see.  So, I did.  The vet said she wasn't.  I asked him why she was short.  He said it was because my pups were just growing fast and they won't be normal size.  They will be about 4 feet tall!

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