Part four: Magical meetings

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Loud talking was all Jane could head. Yet she couldn't hear a single word with the way the noise blended together. Jane managed find her way to the grade eleven section within the grand hall. The hall was huge and had an old, almost Harry Potter look to it. Three large sain glass windows made up a large portion of the back wall and were framed in carved stone. The brick walls were built up tall to maintain a high ceiling. Jane slid into the pews next to her friends and greeted them the best she could amongst the noise. All around her other magical beings from the grade eleven cohort chatted to their friends' eager to find out what had happened over the weekend. Reilly, a shape shifter slipped in next to Jane with the last of the students. The principal, a tall slim older woman with a silver pixie cut stood in front of the back wall with a microphone. The principal, Mrs Sinclair was a sorceress and held her cross around her chest. Despite being the head of a magical school she was catholic and quite religious. Sorcerers were still magic users but had a different way of channelling their magic. Sorcerers have to use an item or in an Alchemist's case a transmutation circle to channel and harness their magic. Warlocks were also different in their usage and harnessing methods of magic. Warlocks, known for their power can absorb large quantities of natural energy, commonly from natural disasters and convert the natural energy into magic energy. Because of their harnessing method warlocks generally hang around areas prone to natural disaster. Witches and wizards however can use their bodies to focus their magic and or natural magic, a form of magic that comes from the earth and vegetation although they can't harness as much power as warlocks.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, as you know today is the Inter-school event where our school competes against other magical schools all across Australia" there were a few 'woops' in the crowd of students, mainly form the seniors. "And we will make sure to do our best. Now in order for today to work you must stay with at least one other person and inform one of our school teachers of your whereabouts. Also please stick to the schedules and your respected areas. This event happens once every three years so we don't want to make a mess of it. Thank you. Please collect all belongings that you will need for the day and head onto the gymnasium. We will be departing through the portal in year levels from grade seven to grade twelve. You are dismissed"
Immediately after Mrs Sinclair finished talking the hall erupted in chattering voices and bustling as everyone move to get out of the hall.
"Oh man I'm so excited!" said Sophie when they got to a quieter part of the school.
Jane gave Sophie a smile, "I have to grab my bag from my locker" said Jane
"Oh we'll come!" said Sophie enthusiastically.
"I need to grab my wallet anyway" shrugged Shannon as she followed them through the rapidly thinning crowd.

It didn't take long to grab their belongings and head to the gym. All the grades were quickly filed through the portal and escorted by the teachers to the viewing area. The place was huge. There was an oval running track with discus and magical event's in the middle. Around the edges was a shooting range for magic event's involving accuracy. There was also a huge one-hundred meter swimming pool to the side. The whole event was all indoors with filtered glass so no vampires would go up in flames. And even so storm clouds had been summoned to further block out the sun. Jane had been here once before but it still took her breath away. The vast amount to magical beings was almost overwhelming. There was a whole section surrounded by glass panels so the underwater creatures could observe the events. It was here that every magical being dropped the façade and it was both delightful and confusing to see all the different body types and shapes. There were creatures with wings, shape shifters of all manner, not to mention magic users, dwarfs and ghosts as well as so many more. Jane quickly recalled as a couple of pixies chased a fairy through the stands. Then the clopping of hooves prompted Jane to turn and spot a centaur with a couple of fauns at her side.
"I forgot how hectic it is here" said Shannon
"No kidding, it's crazy!" exclaimed Sophie. Suddenly Sophie gave a squeal and her friends looked at her in alarm, "It's a kitsune!" continued Sophie.
"A what?" asked Jane as she tilted her head.
Sophie pointed to a blond boy with orange fox ears and nine matching fox tails, "A kitsune is a nine tailed fox, they are considered to represent good luck or trickery and because were hunted almost to extinction! They're usually so uncommon!!" squeaked the brunet, "Come on! We have to meet him! This could be a once in a life time opportunity!!" called Sophie before grabbing her friends and dragging them over to the kitsune boy.

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