Part three: Painful blows

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All the student's rushed around the school trying to get to their classes, very much like Adeline. Although Adeline was barely focused on where she was going, her mind was still buzzing from what she'd been told the other day. The snippets of the conversation revolved in her head almost nonstop.
'You're one of the five horned werewolves' replayed the memory of her principle, 'Only five ever exist at one time – most powerful of the werewolves' the memory of her principle's speech jumped around in her head, 'I understand why your parent's didn't tell us, but they still should have told us – they shouldn't take you away from your duty – parent's should have told you – don't need to protect you' in her mind's eye Adeline's principle stood up, 'It's such an honour to have you at our humble school, now everyone will know that the fifth horned wolf has been found'
"Can anyone point me in the direction of where the horned werewolf is" called a strange voice that snapped Adeline out of her thoughts. The strange man was tall, well built, nicely tanned and incredibly attractive. Adeline looked at the man and frowned, what the hell would he want with her? After a moment then man's gaze landed on her. Adeline's eyes widened in surprise, why was he looking at her? Adeline quickly observed the courtyard only to find all eyes on her or the strange man. Adeline internally cursed, that's what she got for making such a show the other day.
"Are you the horned wolf?" asked the man once he stood in front of her
"Uh, yes" replied Adeline, there was no point in denying it.
"Come with me" said the strange man
"Um, where?" asked Adeline and out of the corner of her eye she watched all the student's disappear into the buildings.
"To France"
"Isn't that a little far? And isn't it night time there?"
"It's early morning and distance doesn't matter, we're going through a portal" replied the man simply.
"I'm sorry but I'm not much of a wager and besides I have art"
"Art, but wouldn't you much rather come with me?"
Adeline frowned, did he just dis art?! "Uh I'm leaning towards no" said Adeline. Art was her favourite subject and she wasn't going to miss it for a stranger, even if he was good looking. "I'm sorry but I'm going to be late" continued Adeline after it was clear the man was only going to give her a horrified stare. Adeline went to leave but the man slid in her path. "Um excuse me I need to get past"
"You're coming with me" he said sternly
Adeline's jaw almost dropped off, "I-I'm sorry I have bad hearing can you repeat that?" said Adeline as she tried to comprehends the stranger's words.
"You're coming with me" he repeated with a smug smile.
"No, I'm sorry but I think you have me confused with someone else. Bye" countered Adeline as she tried to get past. The man blocked her way but Adeline wasn't as weak as she looked and managed to push past him then move towards the stairs leading down to the art room. Someone grabbed the collar of Adeline's uniform and started to drag her backwards. Adeline let out a cry of surprise, dropping her belongings and raised her hands trying to decrease the pressure on her neck.
"Let me go!" Adeline chocked fear rising up from her stomach.
"I tried to play nice" growled the stranger, "Now we do this the hard way"
"NO!" roared Adeline a she spun and altered her form. The pressure released around Adeline's neck as her clothes tore. Adeline crouched low on all fours and snarled at the stranger.
"Fine! I'll drag you're unconscious body back instead!" yelled the man then he to change into his wolf form. Adeline could only stare at the dark brown wolf with a cream underbelly, he was taller than her by half a foot and that was only on all fours. Adeline immediately noticed the thick horns that curled either side of the werewolf's head. Adeline silently cursed, he was one of the other four. The stranger's shoulders were broader and it was more obvious of his human characteristics. He could probably lift twice the weight that she could so Adeline decided to step carefully. The werewolf charged and it was all Adeline could do to keep out of his grasp. He was fast, much faster than she expected for his size. The stranger swiped at her but Adeline dodged, he was fast but not as agile as her. Adeline lashed out and raked her claws across his mussel. The other wolf let out a howl of pain and stepped back snarling, Adeline had drawn first blood. Adeline growled back telling him to back off. Despite her warning he advanced quickly. Adeline slipped to the side but the other werewolf spun and clamped his teeth into her left shoulder. Adeline roared in agony and fury. Twisting Adeline pushed through the pain and ripped her way out of her foe's jaws. She could feel the damage, he'd left deep gashes in her shoulder blade and collar bone. The other wolf just smirked as her blood dripped from his lips. This wound would slow her down enough to catch and he knew it. Adeline's ears pricked up at the sound of others approaching. Another man and a woman rounded the corner. Nether of their faces or their scents were familiar. Shit, they were probably his mother freaking friends. Great just great!
"Adeline?!" called a voice from the stairs to the upper level. Adeline let her gaze flicker up and saw Maddie. Maddie leaped down the rest of the steps with her blond hair flying behind her. Maddie took up a firm standing position next to Adeline and pointed at the other horned wolf.
"What did you do to her you fucking bitch?!" yelled Maddie accusingly in a no nonsense tone. Maddie wasn't the slimiest girl around but Adeline knew Maddie's be damned before she let that stop her from defending her friends.
The other werewolf growled at Maddie and his companions lowered themselves, threating to change.
"Oh go fuck yourselves! You hear me, get out of here!" Maddie's yell was truly intimidating and steadfast. She sounded completely pissed. So much so that the two companions actually dropped their snarls and backed up. The other horned werewolf looked surprised and almost impressed. The brown and cream wolf nodded towards Maddie, gesturing for the other two to move in. Maddie's expression didn't waver but Adeline limped in front of her friend and ultimately blocked the strangers. The other two shifted into their wolf form. The female was black with white socks while the male was mostly grey with red running along his head and down his spine. There was the sound of shredding fabric from behind and Maddie's sandy coloured head crept into Adeline's peripheral vision. Two verses three, those were bad odds, especially when Adeline was injured. The female wolf was the around four foot two, the same size as Maddie but the other male wolf was slightly larger and bulkier. Damn this was not looking good, Adeline needed to take out a wolf then it would be fair game. The black wolf moved first and sprung at Maddie. Adeline stood up on two legs and caught the wolf in mid-air. Adeline's had a good grip with her claws digging into the she-wolf's skin. Adeline spun and flung the black wolf over Maddie's head. The female wolf landed with a nasty crunch against a brick wall. The red wolf reacted in an instant and tackled Adeline's friend
"Maddie!" Adeline managed before the horned wolf pounced at her, forcing Adeline on her back. Adeline panicked and unsheathed her rear claws then dragged her feet down the other wolf's front. The stranger howled in pain and leaped off her. The werewolf was slit from chest to waist and had the bonus effect of organs poking out. There was so much blood that Adeline almost had to look away, that was no light injury even for a werewolf. Adeline glanced in Maddie's direction and saw her crunching down on the red wolf's forepaw. In the instant that Adeline looked away her opponent charged, with his head down and horns heading straight for Adeline. Adeline lowered her stance but stood her ground. She intercepted the stranger's charge and managed to get her head under his chest. Adeline felt his horns scrape along her lower back as she used all her strength to flip him over her head. The brown and cream wolf landed with a thud but managed to recover and roll to his feet. The horned wolf let out a cry of rage and charged again. Adeline's eyes widened at how quickly he got up and she just managed to step aside. Allowing him to ram into a large tree. Adeline was hoping that running into it would knock him out. Instead the other werewolf's horns were so deeply imbedded within the trunk that he was struggling to get them out. Not one of the fighting wolves noticed the people that had come to witness the spectacle. Adeline hurried over to the other wolf's side and stood up bringing her fists together. Adeline brought her fist's down onto the unprotected part of the werewolf's head forcing him to the ground and tearing his horns out of the tree trunk. Adeline didn't even ask if he surrendered, she wasn't taking any chances. Adeline let out heavy ragged breaths while she waited to see if her foe would move. When he didn't Adeline spun around, seeing all of the students and teachers looking almost terrified. Adeline couldn't be bothered with them right now as she continued to sweep the courtyard spotting her friend breathing heavily and standing over a bloodied red wolf who was looking away in shame. Adeline tilted her head silently asking if her friend was ok. Maddie just rolled her eyes, she was covered in a few scratches and small bites but none looked too serious.
Miss Vee handed them both a large towel while another teacher Mr Dowell started ranting at them. Maddie flopped the towel over herself and changed back. Mr Dowell was a medium height man but over medium around the waist which was always visible through his white business shirts, especially when his belt held his gut up.
"You should be ashamed at yourselves, getting into fights like that! I always thought that both of you were good students but your behaviour lately is unacceptable. This is your second fight within a few days!" Mr Dowell seemed to be taking it out mostly on Maddie. Maddie looked like she was just about to give a logical reason when he cut her off, "There is no excuse this time you will both be-"
"Then we won't give you an excuse" said Adeline cutting the teacher off as she sat down. Mr Dowell gave a small jump when Adeline spoke in English despite still being in werewolf form. For regular werewolf it was imposable to mimic human sounds, the structure just didn't allow them too but Adeline, with the perks of still being part human could speak in English. Although her voice was much deeper.
Mr Dowell straightened up and smoothed down what was left of his hair, "Well I'm glad that you're admitting that-"
Adeline cut him off again, "We'll tell you the truth. We'll give you no excuse because the fact is we don't need one. I acted in self-defence. That man" said Adeline gesturing towards the stranger with her head, "was trying force me to go somewhere and when I declined things got violent. He literally started dragging me away. I changed as a defence and even then I waited for him to charge first before I attacked back. Then the two other wolves appeared. Maddie saw that I was in trouble and came to my aid. That's when the other wolves and attacked Maddie. And you probably saw the rest." Adeline turned to Maddie, "Thank you, so much for helping me" said Adeline sincerely.
"Why are you even bothering to thank me? I'm your friend, I've got your back and you know that I will do it again if I have to." Said Maddie with a smile. Adeline gave her a wolfish grin in return, mainly because it was the only sort of smile she could pull off with a mouth full of sharp teeth and a snout.


Have you seen the new cover? XD I'm very happy with it. I think it's perfect for this story. 

Also thanks Valkyrie1000 for commenting, you made my push to finish this chapter sooner :)

I hope that everyone enjoys! :D

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