Heart Broken.

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"Me." Those words shattered John's already splintered heart.



"What happened to you?"

"What do you think happened..." She said her sad eyes looking even more desolate, "I was young, just sixteen. I was confused. He told me he loved me. And I thought I loved him."

John was starting to see a more human side to Sophie she was becoming less of a Holmes and more of Human.

"He convinced me to run away with him." She said her mind drifting back to another time. "I now realise that it was more of a willing kidnap. Mycroft told Sherlock I was dead. He hated me so much... In a way I suppose he still does. I still hate myself for what I've done."

"What did you do?" John asked. It was hard not to be fascinated by what she was saying.

"I was alway the whizz kid of the family. Anything to do with computers of technology I was your go to. I wanted to impress Jim. I made this little programme. I thought it was nothing. Just a harmless little joke between me and Jim. But as it turns out what I'd come up, with a little tweaking, could become the most dangerous piece of software known to mankind. I'd just inadvertently given a psychopath a detonator to set the world alight. After The deed was done I was dumped right back where he found me."


"I wasn't any use anymore." She said. She seemed alright but a tear was rolling down her cheek. "He just threw me away like yesterday's paper."

"Sophie I'm sorry," said John kneeling on the ground next to her, "I didn't think it could be that bad."

"It's ok John it's not your fault." She rubbed her eyes, "You didn't know. But I'm glad you do know now."

John looked into Sophie's deep blue eyes, and he suddenly realised just how like Sherlock she really was. Fiercely intelligent but yet for all her intellect she knew nothing of how to handle emotions. In his family if there was an argument there would be shouting and broken crockery, but here... Every member played a part, like actors on a stage, each with their own specific mind games. Mycroft was the main character, seems transparent enough so you don't dare dig past the surface. Sherlock an oddity, he made one curious enough to want to find out more and would speak but only with critic riddled responses. Sophie was the tragic heroine, someone who you wanted to rescue from the peril of her situation. And John wanted to be her knight in shining armour.

Sophie saw John's look. She sensed he had questions that he dare not ask. But in a way she found his silence comforting.

"You have questions I'm sure." She said inviting him to go back to his chair

"I won't ask you anything you're uncomfortable with." Said John.

She laughed, "You can ask me what you want. It was a long time ago."

"Are you over him?" Asked John, at this stage he didn't know how important that answer was going to be for him.

"Yes of course," said Sophie, "I was still a child I didn't know what I wanted and I suppose with him being older than me... I felt special. Now I know it's just his way. He makes people fall in love with them and when they aren't useful they're disposable."

"What exactly do you do for a job?" He said, his appetite had been wetted, now he was hungry for more.

"You'd never believe me if I told you."

"Try me..."

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on, one of your brothers invented a job and the other one IS the government. It can't be that complicated." He said looking at her from the chair opposite.

"So Mycroft IS the government is he?" Said Sophie seeming to become more relaxed around John, "Well John," she leaned forward,"I'm going to tell you what I do."

John leant forward he was excited and curious to find out what she did.

"If Mycroft is the puppet of the government, I would be the puppet master." Sophie saw the confused look in Johns eyes, "My job has no official title, but basically what I do is I have dirt in every single person who is important to the country. I could start a war in just three minutes. I could convince the queen to abdicate and have myself crowned in under twenty-four hours. I could pass a law forcing Mycroft to run naked through London. I could do whatever the hell I want and that scares Mycroft to death."

John sat there agog at what he was being told. But amidst the feeling of shock that had enveloped him a feeling of pride shot through him also, he had managed to deduce something correctly about a Holmes. All be it he was vaguer than they would be but still... Small victories...

"John your shivering are you alright?" She said taking his hands in hers.

"Yeah. I'm... I'm fine..." He had to ask, "Now when you say everyone..."

"Oh yeah I've got stuff on you too." She said blasély, "Don't worry it's nothing criminal, although how you got them to remove that public drunkenness, very impressive." She saw the trauma flicker through his face, "That's it John that's all I know."

"I'd like you to know more."

"What?" Sophie's eyes met his, she knew exactly what he'd said she wasn't going to pretend differently, "John I... I..." They leant in closer and closer. They were millimetres apart John's hands were resting on her shoulders and her arms were snaking around his waist. When their lips met they pulled closer to each other. Sophie was practically sitting on his lap now. But they didn't mind they weren't sitting in a library in the middle of the night anymore, they were together and that's all that mattered. There were nobody else in the world, just them, just John and Sophie.

But it wasn't just them as they found out.

When their lips separated and standing in the door way stood Mycroft Holmes.

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