Chapter 1: "Possible Parents"

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Chapter 1: "Possible Parents"

"Melana!" A voice shouts, very rudely interrupting my wonderful sleep. I groan, not moving an inch.

I am so not getting up right now, I'm way too tired.

"Melana, get up we are going to have visitors today!" The voice says again and I can't help but curse their existence. Why should I wake up for somebody I know won't adopt me?!

Yeah, adopt, I happen to live in an orphanage. If you got a problem with that, then go sue my lawyer; she only works on Wednesdays.

"If your not down in twenty minutes, I'm taking away your notebook!" The voice says warningly and alarm shoots through me. I quickly sit up, throwing the sheets off me and onto the floor in a tangled mess.

"I'm up! I'm up, I swear!" I yell back, panic bursting in my voice. I need my notebook, that's where I write all of my song lyrics!

"Just be down in twenty minutes."

Crap. It takes me like an hour to look anywhere NEAR presentable and even then I don't look too good, kinda like a tornado hit me.

I scurry out of bed, almost tripping on my face from the sheets and practically run to my closet. I grab a random shirt and a pair of shorts, not bothering to see if they match or anything girly like that.

I've never been one for fashion, and it shows.

I quickly pull the shirt on, which I notice is just a tank top with dark grey stripes that wasn't very form fitting. It kind of just hung from my shoulders, if that makes any sense.

If it doesn't, go back to school. You obviously don't know enough.

Once I have the shirt on, I grab the shorts and put them on too. Can't go walking around without pants. Now these were just a pair of simple dark jean shorts that came halfway down my thighs, but they made my legs look pretty damn awesome.

Now dressed, well... semi dressed; I still don't have shoes on, I spin around from my closet and grab my iPod off my nightstand. It's practically the only expensive thing I own and I protect it with my life, seriously.

I click the middle button and the time lights up on the screen. Ack, I only have five more minutes!

Looks like there's no time for hair. Or shoes.

I quickly take a hair tie and pull my dark brown straight hair into a pretty messy bun. Oh well, that's what happens when you don't brush your hair.

Realizing I probably don't have much more time, five minutes pass by very quickly, I shove my iPod in my pocket and hurry out of my room, slamming the door behind me.

Instantly I'm met by the sounds of children screaming, giggling, running, and doing every loud obnoxious thing they could possibly think of. I hate children, every last one of them.

Grumbling under my breathe I walk down the hallway and down the stairs into the main living room, where most of the kids already were. This is where the possible "parents" come meet us and pick which child they want to spend more time with.

I've never been picked.

I can't say I don't want to be adopted because truthfully I do. I seriously hate it here, it's torture.

I continue to walk over to Ms. Granger, yup like the Harry Potter character Hermione, who is standing in the middle of the room making sure none of the kids try to run away or something. I'm not the only kid who doesn't like this whole "adoption thing".

"Well well well, look who's decided to join us. Feel like you kept us waiting long enough, Melana?" Ms. Granger asks, a playful smile on her lips.

"Nope, but you threatened to take my notebook, and when you involve the notebook, your asking for some serious business." I say cheerfully and she laughs.

"Just go sit over there with the rest of the kids." She tells me, waving her hand in a shoo motion.

"What?! Are you trying to kill me woman?!" I exclaim, placing my hands on my hips in a way over exaggerated motion. "Those kids are crazy, no way am I sitting next to them!"

"You know, you are a kid too." She reminds me, waggling her finger at me.

"I'm fourteen!" I huff, crossing my arms and jokingly glaring at her.

"Just go sit somewhere!" She says in exasperation, throwing her hands up in defeat.

"Fine." I say, still playing up the act. I saunter over to stairs and sit on the bannister, my legs hanging over the side. I chuckle under my breath, remembering the time I had tried to slide down the bannister like you see people do in movies.

It totally failed.

Lets just say I had a lot of bruises and a very wounded pride after that.

"Alright everyone." Ms. Granger announces, pulling me back from my land of memories.

Aw, I really liked it there...

"Any minute now a new couple of 'possible parents' will be coming to decide which child they would like to adopt. Now, I want you to be on your best behavior and be as welcoming as possible. We want to make a good impression." She announces, staring pointedly at me when she mentions being on our "best behavior".

"What?" I say, my voice defensive. "Why're you looking at me?!"

"Oh Melana, I think we all know why I'm looking at you." Ms. Granger sighs and I see a bunch of kids nod vigorously.

"Shut up." I mumble, glaring at all the filthy kids who nodded. See, this is why I hate them! Bunch of tattletales...

"Just try to keep a lid on your craziness until they're gone." She pleads and I sigh, nodding my head. I hear a couple kids laugh at her reference to my 'craziness'.

"I'll try." I'm not going to actually promise anything, that'd be stupid. Only idiots promise things.

"Anyway, so just sit quietly and wait for the 'possible parents' to arrive." Ms.Granger finishes and kids turn to each other, talking quietly about who knows what.

A couple minutes later, which I spent playing Fruit Ninja like a boss, a knock sounded at the door and five teenage guys walked in. Ms. Granger motions with her hands for them to come stand next to her, where everyone can see them. The guys quickly follow her instruction and come to stand in the front of the room. Squeals erupt from every girl in the room and I mentally groan, there is nothing worse than squealing girls.

Ms. Granger says a quick greeting to them before turning back to us.

"Ok guys, so here are the new "possible parents"" She tells us and I hear a few gasps. What's so surprising about that, we have people come in to adopt all the time!

"Now I'm sure all of you know them-" She starts to continue, but I cut her off.

"Actually, no. I have no idea who these people are." I state, confusion clear in my voice and my head turns to the side.

Immediately a couple people stare bug eyed at me. All eyes are on me, including the five strange guys.

"What?" I ask, still very confused. "Should I know who they are?"

"Melana, they're One Direction." Ms.Granger says slowly, like she's waiting for me to start freaking out.

Who the hell are One Direction?


And that's a wrap!

Hi guys! So here's the first chapter of a brand new story of mine, it's obviously a fanfiction...


Yeah baby!

Okay so I hope you guys liked this, I'll be updating with chapter two soon! Please comment on anything you feel I could do better on or that you really liked!

See you soon, bye guys!




~ :3

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