6. Truth or Dare

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Zoes Pov:

The rest of the day was pretty normal, nothing new.

We heard Ricky recording his video and light sobs escaping his mouth, which to everyone else sounded believable, except to me. Throughout the vdeo, he didnt sound sorry or sympathatic at all.

He didnt regret doing all that to me, he's probably proud of it, to be completely honest, but he hasn't bothered me yet so I'm gonna hope he doesnt try anything.

It was around 7 when me and all the guys got bored and were trying to come up with something to do to kill are boredom. We were all just saying random ideas until someone said truth or dare. We all agreed to play that and we sat in a circle. The order we sat in was me, Kian, Sam, Ricky, Jc, Connor, then back to me (since its a circle duh!:)

The game went on with many weird dares considering no one wanted to be the pussy who picked truth (this is not to offend anyone who picks truth! I am always the one to pick truth)

So far, Ricky had to run down the block in only his boxers, Jc had to jump into the pool fully clothed, Connor used my eyeliner to make himself look like a cat, and Sam had to do the cinnamon challenge. But now it was my turn.

"Zoe, Truth or Dare?" Ricky said staring at me.

"Dare duh," I say with a giggle causing Kian to look at me and smile.

Ricky just smirked before saying his dare. "I dare you to take your shirt off,"

All the guys looked at him then back at me.

"Zoe you dont have to you know, you can pass," Sam said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him with a worried glance, I really wasnt very comfortable with my body, but I didnt want to turn down a dare, that to the guys probably seemed like nothing.

I looked at them all before slowly taking my shirt off, but covering my stomach with my hands. That is till Sam moved me to where he was and sat me in his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. Sam is such a great brother if I could say so myself.

I couldnt come up with a dare so I let Jc ask someone.

"Kian Truth or Dare?" he asked

"Dare," Kian said with a smirk probably expecting the worst.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Zoe," Jc said looking at Kian whos face was in a O as well as mine.

I looked at Jc who mouthed "dont worry," at me as Kian slowly got up and took my hand and lead me to a closet and we both went in.

Kians Pov: (its gonna be short)

Jc can be such an ass sometimes. He knew that I had a small crush on Zoe.

I just dont want her to be weirded out or nervous to be alone with me.

Zoes Pov:

Kian lead me into the closet and we just stayed there for a minute looking at each other.

To be honest, I'm not mad about being in here with Kian, I've had a crush on him but I know he probably doesn't have a crush on me.

After about 2 minutes of just standing there, I decided to sit down and wait for the 5 minutes to hurry up since I know nothing interesting is gonna happen, that is until Kian sits down to put me on his lap.

"What are you doing," I say with a small giggle putting my head on his chest.

"Waiting to do this," he says making me turn around.

"To do wh-" but I'm cut short by his lips connecting with mine.

That did not just happen.

Kian did not just kiss me.

All I do know is that sparkes flew and butterflies filled my stomach.

It was what some would say, Perfect.

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