Chapter One

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A high pitch squeal jolted me from my sleep. I sat up quickly and whipped my head around my room searching for the source of the sound. Heartbeat thrumming in my chest violently, my head snapped toward a giggling child. I groaned and threw my head into my pillow massaging my neck miserably. It was strained, the pitter patter of little feet came to my side of the bed and I felt tiny hands climb into the covers. She was ice cold and I pulled her to my body.

"Ennie, you're freezing." I mumbled into her dark hair. The only feature of mine that she had. She giggled maniacally when I realized she was wet and sticky as well. I sat up again and pulled her up and examined her. I groaned when I realised that she had egg spread through her hair and milk on her body.

"Athena," I said sternly, "What have you done?" I whined. She crawled out of the bed and ran out of the room, I looked down at my Egyptian cotton sheets that were surely ruined now. I sighed and pulled myself out of bed when my daughter came walking back into the room awkwardly holding a tray of food.

"No mama! Bed! I mades your breakfast bed!"

She had a twinkle in her golden eyes and she smiled from ear to ear. I smiled shaking my head and sitting back in my bed. She shuffled over and on the tray I saw a coffee with too much milk, raw eggs on a plate next to two pieces of bread and a bowel of cheerios that was also overflowing with milk. I smiled at her happiness and wondered what had brought this on but held my tongue. As she neared the bed she managed to trip on her own feet flinging the food and everything over herself, my bed and me.

I looked at the time that said we only had half an hour before we had to be out of our apartment. Athena looked at me and then the mess, I knew what was coming and swiftly moved towards her. I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. The tiny child clung to me desperately as she cried into my shoulder trying to talk to me. I walked to the shower, leaving the mess of milk and raw egg in my room, turning it on I stripped off our clothes and began washing off my daughters attempt of breakfast in bed.

Once dry and dressed I take Athena's hand and walk her to the kitchen to see another giant mess. I look at the small child and shake me head. I bend down to her level and wipe away the tears rolling silently down her face.

"Ennie, that's enough baby." I whisper brushing her side fringe from her eyes. She looked up at me with a sad expression and a pout.

"B-but... I wanted to gives you bed breakfast-" She used the back of her hand to wipe tears away from her face. "-Ms. Meany says it's daddy's day and I don't have one... And and and, Sofia said that mama's can be daddy's too and Matty said that I was bastert cause I have no daddy!" I saw more tears forming in her eyes and I wiped them away. "Mummy, why don't I have a daddy? You have a daddy and unkle Ly has a daddy. I want a daddy."

I closed my eyes and forced a small smile on my face. I never wanted to raise a child like this, I never wanted her to miss out on anything in life and I refused to give her a substitute for a father. My life and world was this small child in front of me. If I had to choose between work and her, I would choose Athena, everytime.

I pulled her into my arms and held her tightly. "Athena," I said stern, but softly. "I have told you, you have a daddy. He just isn't able to be here with us. You know how mummy works? Daddy has lots of work too. It's okay though baby, I am here and I'm not going anywhere."

" When will daddy come see me?"

I felt pained, I didn't want to lie to her. "I've told you this Ennie,"

She chewed her bottom lip and frowned, "Compromise?" She questioned. I sighed and shook my head.

"He'll come when he's ready. And-" I said looking at her,

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