Final | Chapter 40: If It's Love

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The servants and guards already emptied out Tauriel's old room.
They gathered bits and pieces to remember her with.
Legolas came in to help, and found out that Tauriel has been keeping a diary. She has been writing on it ever since she got in Mirkwood.
The last date was before she got kidnapped, and killed.
Legolas was too curious. What was happening in her mind?
He left the servants in doing the job, and ran to their tree with the diary.
He sat in the right exact spot where they first met.
With the diary in his hands, he flipped over the pages and began reading.

They have just brought me here today. I wandered out. There was this elf who claims himself as the prince, which is true. I met the king, his father. Soon I learnt that his name was Legolas.

Legolas went through more pages, skipping a few entries.

It was definitely our tree, me and Legolas'. We come to here every day, to talk about many things. I told him about the time I lost both of my parents.

A few days ago, Aranya got kidnapped. Legolas and I followed, which caused a lot of trouble. I'm glad Aranya got out with only a stab. Nothing more.

Elithina was imprisoned today. I could not be anymore thankful for the guards stopping all the wrong doings that she has done.

The King allowed us to be married, and I am so happy. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Legolas.

Legolas stopped for a while. Tears were falling on the pages of the diary. He looked up, and saw that the sun was about to set. He remembered how Tauriel's hair was the color of the sky during dusk, red with a bit of orange.
Legolas looked back down and continued reading.

I am getting married to Legolas today. I can't believe myself walking down the aisle, with people from my past looking at me, and the memories will flood back into my mind. But all of it will disappear, because Legolas will be waiting for me at the end.

Legolas realized that it was the last page of the diary with an entry. He read it slowly, crying.

Today, I am going to be coronated as queen, and Legolas as king. I couldn't wish for more. I hope that I can rule the kingdom as good as King Thranduil did. As for Aranya, she will be crowned as the royal Lady of Mirkwood.
Legolas has been with me ever since I've arrived here. I have spent most of my life here. Still a question rings my mind. What is love? Is it a sensation of feelings that the body creates when you know you're with the one and only? If it's love...then what?

The sky around him turned dark with stars sparkling, and the entry ending.
Legolas looked up to see the constellations, and thought about how Tauriel loved the stars greatly. He wondered if she was a star, watching over him, in the vast sea of nothingness.
His vision became blurry with tears as he answered the question, looking at one star in particular that shines among the rest.
If It's Love,
And at that moment, he felt the whole world crashing down upon him.
I will never truly forget it.

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now