Interviewing and Reviewing The Writer's: Panda-hime

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 Your Online Name: Panda-hime

Book Name: "Magazine: Writers Of Today!" and "Silenced"

What is your favorite thing about writing? Just putting your ideas and paper or computer and being creative!

How long have you been writing? For a while, but this is my first year actually being serious and I've only been writing on wattpad for some months.

Have you started a career in writing? If so, whats the best and worst thing about it? No I haven't.

Are you planning on staring a career in writing? Actually no, but I love writing and reading!

Who's your favorite character in your book? Carter Dominguez, he's suu a flirt and hilarious!

What do you base your stories off of? Real life and experiences.

Who do you base your character's off of? People I know or just characeristics of people who I've met that I like.

Whats the best thing about writing? You can't be wrong, because writing is a way of expressing your emotions and ideas and those are your emotions and ideas, and thus they can't be wrong. Writing allows you to be creative!

Whats the wrost thing about writing? The haters ans critiscm, but critical can help you improve your writing though!

What's your favorite book(On here and Not On Here)? Hmmm, I don't have one, it changes depending on my mood haha:)

I didn't mean to do this today, I meant for this to be one the day it was supposed to be, so sorry!!!

Silenced is a mysterious book, if you like mysteries, I recommend it. You see, Rihanna Nickelback is the main character in this book, and she has a secret. A secret so big, the author, Panda-hime, has told no one.... Not even her reader's, she keep's us guessing and wondering what this big secret is. Apparently in Chapter 6, it gives us a hint, as through out the book, she has been jumpy and shy and giving us hint's about what her secret is. This changes things when Skylar (Sky) steps into the picture, the varsity basketball cutie, is dared, and the dare is about Rihanna. I'm not telling you guy's what it is, you have to read it. I find it is a great story filled with mystery, dares, and highschool love and drama!! But not the regular kind.


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