Unexpected Appearence

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1 year later

You were finally happy in your life. After so many years of pain you were finally at a place in life where you were happy. Your career was soaring and you had a sweet boyfriend Kang Dae who was simple but took care of you and made you happy. You felt the occasional pang when you saw Youngbae on television or posters. How kindness filled his eyes and how his heart made of gold failed to shine through the 'tough' and 'swag' image that YG had given him. You had forgiven him eventually but you never forgot about him. With Youngbae it was a different kind of love, it was passionate, fiery and lustful. You couldn't go a day without seeing him in the early days of the relationship. You were head over heels in love with him then but now you were wiser, you had learnt to supress the feelings and go about your life. Now it felt like he never existed.

One evening in the late winter when the city was engulfed in a thick fog mixed with the stale smell of cigarettes and the damp earth and moonlight bathed the whole city in a pale glow giving it an eerie feeling of impending doom. You were working late that night and you wanted to reach home as fast as you could. You took a shortcut through a shoddy ally, although you knew it was rather dangerous you paid no heed to it. As you hurried through the ally an ominous gloom overtook you, your heartbeat quickened and your breathing became shallower. Dark clouds now moved over the moon taking away any hint of light. The smell of rotting food, pungent alcohol and stale cigarette smoke threatened to knock you out. Small eyes of nocturnal animals glinted in the dark sending shivers up your spine.

Suddenly you felt an arm grasp your hand, You screamed but no noise came out of your mouth. Fear paralysed you. You turned back to see a big figure looming above you a terrible odour emanating from him, his blackened teeth curved into a crooked smile and his eyes emitted a cruel glint which made you cower in your footsteps. He whispered eerily in your ear with a raspy voice grated with years and years of alcohol "Dear, I can show you a good time, just come with me", he said his grip tightening. Disgusted at his atrocious perverted thoughts you tried to tug away with all your might but to no avail. His dirty face came closer to your as he leaned in to touch you. Furious you screamed and fought, but in a blink of an eye you were on the ground on your knees and the man was on the floor bleeding, a muscular figure loomed above. The muscular figure said "Don't, you ever mess with my girl ever. If you even think of it you'll never see daylight". The man quickly scampered away scared out of his wits. You tried to decipher your saviour as he picked you up with the same muscular arms. The figure felt familiar as he pulled you up and suddenly realization dawned upon you, it was Youngbae. Suddenly all your feelings resurfaced making you faint. Darkness slowly covered your eyes as you tried to breathe.The shock of seeing Youngbae and almost getting raped made you collapse in his arms.

When you break up with him (Taeyang X Reader) (smut)Where stories live. Discover now