Painful nights

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Your eyes brimmed with sleep as you groggily picked up the phone ringing like a siren driving you to madness at such ungodly hours of the night. A steady voice spoke from the phone which you realized was the maknae Seungris voice, "Hey, umm...sorry to wake you this late but Youngbae over here is drunk to the depth of hell and only you can now bring him back". Groaning at the thought of picking up Youngbae from the noisy club you replied with an affirmative. With sleep hooded eyes you threw own a pair of jeans and a hoodie and hurried towards you car.

Soon you reached the club whose booming music and rabid people usually acted as a repellent. You scanned the curb for Seungri to take you inside and found him standing at the corner with a solemn expression on his visage. Hesitant you approached him, "Oh good, you're finally here, he really needs you. But there is a slight problem, you might be really shocked at what's going on inside so I would really like you to keep your calm." Your ominous feeling got even worse as you heard Seungri say it. Trying to smile as brightly as possible you said, "What could be the worst case scenario?". Seungri pursed his lips at your reply and said "You'll see." As you vended your way throught the masses of of rancid smelling people chugging down drinks and grinding against strangers.

After finally making your way through the throbbing masses you spotted Youngbae. You stopped dead in your tracks at the sight of him. Unable to breath you stared in shock at him. His muscular arms were wrapped around a long legged girl who sat provocatively on his lap teasing him with his tongue. Your mind couldn't process the sight in front of you, as you saw him your world came crumbling down around you. You legs were giving up when Seungri gave you acomforting pat and nudged you towards him. You quietly walked to Youngbae and detangled him from the other girl who was drunk to the point of unconsciousness. Youngbae protested while you forcefully dragged him towards you car muttering "Jagi, where are we going ? the night is still young!" in his drunken stupor.

Your head spun with rage and the toxic fumes billowing out of various pipes. You drove home blinded with fury, making dangerous swerves and almost throwing Youngbae out of his seat. When you reached home you stomped with rage towards your bedroom, changed Youngbaes clothes, cleaned him to whatever extent you could and gave him a tablet to help with his hangover nest morning. He muttered incoherently about his great love for you and how he wanted to take you out for dinner under the moonlight. You paid no heed to his muttering and tucked him to sleep.

After Youngbae was blissfully asleep you walked into the spacious kitchen now bathed in the glow of the moonlight. With a coffee in your hand you observed the scenery through the large French windows that adorned the wall. The city glowed like an affluent lady's jewellery box. emerald greens, ruby reds and sapphire blues glittered across the vast expanse of the city which you called home. Youngbae slipped into you mind as you admired the scenery, this wasn't the first time he got piss drunk and cheated yet you put up with it attributing it to the fault of alcohol. You realized you had become one of those women who stayed with their abusive partners even if they had a horrid tie. It went against your principles and this time you had to make a decision-

to stay?


to go?

After an hour or so you slipped out of the house quietly making your way towards a friends house with a suitcase full of your earthly possesions that you had and not the ones Yonugbae had bought for you.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months yet there was no sign of Youngbae. It was as if he never existed. Although he had left numerous messages immediately after you had left home explaining in a short note that you were leaving him, however the number of messages slowly started receding showing how he had moved on so quickly. The thought of him still stung you, to think you had so much love for him yet he had banished you from his life in such a short time. You clung on to his memories which gave you strength in the darkest of your moments and yet you felt so empty.

When you break up with him (Taeyang X Reader) (smut)Where stories live. Discover now