Till Death Do Us Part

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You turn and walk away. You leave me. I’m alone. Again.

I lay here motionless, bleeding. I can feel Death’s warm embrace, and I can’t help but be happy. Finally, this nightmare is coming to an end. I won’t have to pretend anymore.

I know it’s wrong for me to hate life so much, but I can’t help it. Life’s full of bad people: backstabbers, liars, and selfish bastards. I’d love to see them all die, but I can’t do that. It would be easier to get rid of one person, rather than all of the others.

Then when I’m gone, and they feel guilt and sorrow, I’ll enjoy it. I will laugh at their misery, gleeful that the tables have turned.

Perhaps I’m no better than them, as I lay here, smiling at the image of my spirit haunting them, as they recall that they could have prevented this. I don’t care if I’m no better than them. In fact, it brings me pride that I may be even worse.

I close my eyes, my breathing gets shallow. It will all be over soon. Thank you for ending my pain, even if you only wanted me gone, and had been acting selfishly. Thank you, and remember: I will always love you.

Till Death Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now