I'm Sorry

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My walls...

Tall, black walls started cracking and crumbling.


A man crouched, holding his head tightly in the middle of all the walls, the sound of the walls sending fear throughout his body.

They're crumbling...

As one of the walls fell, the man let out a screech of pain, and a bright white light flooded the small space the man was in with the absence of the wall.


Another walls slowly started to fall, and the man let out another wail of agony as light flooded in once more. 

Stop breaking!

The man stood up and started shaking his head frantically, trying to make the walls go back as much as he could. One by one, the walls fell, and light poured in, taking over the man's sight.


A few seconds went by before he opened his eyes to find himself standing on a sideways sky scraper. The sky was a bright blue, and the clouds floated by gracefully. Looking around, the man felt fear pricking his mind; he's never been here before.

Where...where am I...

"Maybe now, you will let me show you the truth," A voice boomed and the man cowered and covered his ears.

'No! I don't want to see!'

When the man looked up once again, a man stood before him. The man's hair was long and white, and his skin was pale, and he had red markings all over his body. In the middle of his chest lay a hole, and on his head, two long horns curved, sharp and dangerous. His eyes were gold on black schelera, and nails were claws. 

He held his clawed hand out to the man, and the man shook his head slowly. The other man growled and motioned for him to take his hand.

"Come on," The man said quietly, his voice soft this time, "you need to see this."

Reaching out tentatively, he took the man's hand, and let him lead him across the sideways building. On the other side, the man gasped when he saw the ocean with the sun blazing above it. Surrounding the ocean were trees, and meadows; it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

The man looked over at him, and placed his hand on his cheek, his eyes loving, "Do you see now?"

He nodded slowly, then looked the man in the eye.




The man's eyes widened as pain crashed down on his head. Clutching at his head, he shook it, and let out a wail.

"Remember." The other said quietly.

He shook his head harder and pushed the man away, "I...I don't want to..."

"Remember!" The man shouted.

The pain suddenly stopped and memories of this man flooded his mind, and he suddenly felt really cold, "Sh...i...." he said quietly, his eyes wide and dazed.

The man nodded, "Yes,  say it again."


Shi nodded and cupped the man's cheeks, "Now, remember who you are. Your walls are gone, and now you will be able to win. You just need to remember."

He shook his head, tears pricking his eyes, "I-I can't...It hurts..."

"Remember when you were a child."

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