Chapter Four

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I am not a liar, but that last statement was a complete lie. I was intrigued by the Mad King. He didn't seem to be so mad when I was leaving. In fact when I watched him shoot arrows all morning he didn't seem mad at all.

Ray and Vav walked off to play video games after we all yelled some more about where I had been. Michael went to make lunch in the kitchen.

Michael was always cooking for some reason. I don't know why but he seemed to be the first to get up and get food and force us to eat.

I decided I'd go help him out. He probably wouldn't mind a hand, or even just some company. He's a really sweet guy when he isn't pissed at someone.

I scurried into the kitchen and was greeted immediatley.

"Hey Eli."

"Hey Micoo." I smiled a little, glad no one was yelling anymore. I hated fighting with the guys, they were like my family.

"What's up?"

"Nothin, I just came to hang out, and be here if you need help with anything."

"Oh," he smiled at me and then returned to cooking whatever he was cooking. "Thanks."

I guess he was glad to have some company.


I helped Michael with some of the stuff he was cooking. He made green beans and had me make the patties for hamburgers which he then seasoned and did his think with.

We cooked them and hung out in the kitchen talking until they were done.

"That was a risky move today."

Oh great, here we go again.

"Yeah.. I know, it was stupid."

"Actually, I don't think it was. It may have been dangerous because we had no idea where you were but stupid? I don't know. You had good intentions. As long as you're not fraternizing with the King we'll be okay."

I was amazed. Michael, Mogar, didn't think it was a bad idea?!

"W-wow.. Really?" I was amazed.

"Yea, and since I doubt you'd talk to that asshole anyway, no worries. We just don't like seeing you hurt." He Answered, looking at my wrists and then at me again.

I was going to say something but the hamburgers needed to be tended to, because apparently they were almost done. I wouldn't know. I don't make hamburgers..


We sat with Ray and Vav on the sofas around the coffee table, munching on fries and hamburgers and green beans. An odd combination but Michael said he wanted us to have vegetables.

He was like an older brother, he always made food and forced us to eat because he knew we wouldn't otherwise.

We talked every now and then while we ate, but nothing important came up. They acted like I hadn't even gone off on my own without any warning. 

"So." Ray finished his food and leaned back in his spot. "What was it like?" 

I raised an eyebrow as I finished eating. "What?" 

"The castle? The king? What was it like." He crossed his arms and looked at me expectantly. 

I smiled haphazardly. "Like a castle? I only got to the garden. That's where he was, shooting arrows at some targets.." 

I thought back to watching him shooting his arrows and walking so confidently back and forth between the targets and the bench. 

"Well, did you at least get to shoot him? Get anything out of him. How did you get bruised." 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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