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The rain came pouring down. Steam rose as a hiss sounded across the palace. The fires died, last bits of flames vanishing into the clouded air. Silence filled the empty area. Trees no longer stood tall, just ragged stumps burnt to the roots. A raven settled down upon a dead stump and gave a caw, its miserable cry echoing into the empty nothingness. Everything was gone. The kingdom was destroyed.

A sudden wail erupted from the tower, ringing endlessly. The raven, startled, flapped its wings frantically and fled. Up in the highest tower, where ash coated the once glimmering marble lay a child, delicate and forgotten. Her bright violet eyes squeezed shut as she cried, longing for someone to hold her. But there was no one. They were all gone. She was left alone in the tower, alone in the demolished palace.

Outside, a maid returned, and was shocked by what she saw. Her beloved home where she’d served happily for the King and Queen was there no longer. The palace stood lifeless and abandoned. Hearing the child’s cry, she raced up the tower and cradled the her, weeping heavy tears of sorrow and relief at the same time.

“Thank the Lord you are safe, dear Princess Elise.” The maid whispered ever so softly.

Carrying the child carefully she hurried out the palace and journeyed to a far village. There in the village she started a new life for herself and the Princess. She changed their identities so they wouldn’t be recognized, and renamed the princess Annabelle.

So the kingdom that once thrived greatly was forgotten, its last survivors ignoring its existence as they began their new lives...

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