~Chapter 5~

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The quote up there explains this chapter

I woke up still attached to a chair in my dads garage. "Ugh why couldnt it of been a nightmare" I thought outloud

'well well well look who decided to wake up after she couldn't stand the pain last night from my knives' my dad said walking in the garage.

Flashback from last night (btw I didnt write this part last chapter)

Laughing filled my ears.

My dad decided to invite people over to get drunk and beat me with him.

'hey pretty girl' my dads friend said walking up to me stroking my hair.

'dont touch me with your nasty hands!' I said with a tone of aditude in my voice

He didnt like it so he slapped me and it really made my face sting.

My dad and another guy started walking over laughing and they all started high fiving.

Then just for the fun of it the three of them each grabbed a knife and started cutting me.

They even dared each other to use two knives.

Thats all J could remember because I passed out from the pain of the blades continuously getting dragged acrossed my skin

End of flashback

'Im suprised your still alive there was alot of blood' my dad said laughing

'whats wrong with you?' I said in a disgusted tone

'I just live life to the fullest' he said with a smirk

'anyways im going somewhere you dont need to know and you are going to keep your loud mouth shut. Do I make myself clear' he said in a demanding tone

'yes' I said tiredly

And with that he left.

It was dim in the garage the only light coming in was the light from the window that leads outside.

And then I realised im going to escape.

The table full of knives was still next to me so I scooted the chair over to get closer to the table.

I managed to grab a tiny pocket knife with my hands that are still tied together.

I held the knife in one handand cut then other hand free. Once the hand was free I cut the other one free. Finally both of my hands were free and I cut the rope around me feet.

I was free.

I grabbed a chair so I could lift myself out of the window.

I climbed out of the house and let my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight. I examined my self now that I can see and noticed bleeding cuts everywhere but it wasnt going to stop me.

I started running down the road and realised.....
I am lost in Sydney Australia

I continued to walk, many things rushing through my mind.

About ten minutes later I found a gas station and out of breath from all of my running I made my way to the lonely gas station in the middle of no where.

I walked inside.
A lady was sitting at the cash register looking at her phone.

'hello' I said out of breath

'hi what can I do for you?' she asked sweetly

'im sorry but im lost and I need to use a phone can I borrow yours?' I asked shaking

She surprisingly agreed.

I called Luke because I dont want to tell my mom about this even though shes probably worried.

'hello?' a worried voice said in the phone

'Luke its Ashely I need you'

'Ashely whats wrong? Where are you?' luke said and voices of what im asuming are the boys in the background.

I asked the lady what road this was because im completely lost.

'Who are you talking to?' Luke asked before I could reaspond

'it dosnt matter Luke I just need you to pick me up. Im at the gas station on lakeshore rd.' I said in a rushed voice

'how did you get out there?' luke asked

'its a long story hurry up.
For all I care speed just come as soon as possible.' I said demandingly in the phone

And then I hung up.


This chapter is short but I might publish the next half later.
I am still mad because I had about 2000 words typed for this chapter and it all got deleted so whatever 712 words is close enough. Not really but oh well.

And stay awesomazing
(see what I did there awesome and amazing hehehe lol)
Michael is the pikachu to my pokemon

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