Chapter 3

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Although I was as scared to dead I needed to response to him.

I stood up and walked to the garden trying to keep an eye on what was happening around me. I answered the call and put my phone to my ear.

"heey andy" I said as happy as I could.

"hi how are you doing?" he asked me.

"I am fine we are having a movie night" I told him and didn't lie.

"okay nice, ya know it is just one day now but it is so quit home without and  bit boring" he told me.

"aawh I miss you too" I said to him and I heard something behind me. As response I turned around but saw nothing.

"do you mind if I come over sometime when I am free to meet Hanna and Nicole and to see youre room?" he asked me, oh god why did I lie to him about my roommates he is gonna kill me if he finds out that it are boys.

"yeah cool when do you plan to come?" I asked him hoping it isn't too early and that I can find some other friends like girls to cover up for my lie....  Not that I want to use them but maybe they will help me.

"I don't know when I am free so yea we will see" he said to me and I cursed in my head, what if he comes around and I don't know about that?!

"okay but I need to go it is cold outside" I said to him "okay.... Talk to you later love you and see you soon"

"yeah same to you and love you to, give mum a hug from me please"

"I will, bye' he said and hung up. I turned around and walked back to the shed.

"he is gonna kill me" I said low to myself and repeat if again and again. "who"I heard someone say next to me. I jumped up and let out a little scream.

"shh calm down it is only me" Zayn said and I let out a sigh.

"my brother" I responded to his first question. He looked at me with a questioned look.

"I told him I have two roommates named Nicole and Hanna 'girls' while it are two boys and now he want to meet the girls and see my room" I explained to him.

"oowh that's no fun but I think everything is gonna work out we will help you" he told me and I smiled at him "aawh thanks you only know me one day and you all are so sweet and accept me so soon like the rest of the boys" I said to him. 

"yeah you are a nice girl I saw that from the beginning and Niall did send us a message that there would come a sweet girl so he was right, why would we be rude then" he said but the last sentence was more a question.

 I didn't respond to him on what he said. 

"lets go inside I am cold" I said to him with a smile and he agreed with me.

 We walked inside and the guys were laughing. I really needed to use the restroom! 

"where is the toilet" I asked Zayn quietly. 

"that door" 

he said and pointed to the second on the right. I smiled at him and walked to it while he walked to the guys. I did my business and walked to the couches, I sat down next to Niall again and listened to their conversation.  It was about school so I just listened. 

"can we do something else then talking about school I hate it" Louis whined. 

"sure, I got an idea" said Harry. 

"tell us!" Louis said exited.

"okay we ask each other a question like, blue or purple and you need to answer as fast as possible" he said and smiled showing of those cute dimples. 

roommatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora