Chapter 03: Minds Gone Wild

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[Avril's P.O.V]

I walk down the hallway to find my locker but the hallway is covered with posters of the upcoming event that everybody loves, prom. I reach my locker and open it. Something catches my eye. I pick the heart shaped envelope up and open it. Dear Avril, will you go to prom with me? PS I love you. Love, Jesse. I scrunch my nose up knowing that Jesse is the schools player and has probably asked all the girls in Lockwood High.

"So will you go with me?" I hear a deep huskily like voice coming from behind me. I quickly spin around to him. I look into his deep blue eyes that could hypnotise anyone within a second. I shove him back making him stumble. "No! Not with an idiot like you who thinks girls are toys!" I turn around to grab my books for my classes that I have.

"Avril sweetheart, I really like you. I like it how you cover up your junk and you aren't desperate like the other girls here.

"What did you just call my ass? This piece of fat is a masterpiece, unlike you!" Not true. "And don't call me that. I'm not the desperate one here, you are!" I begin scanning his body that is so handsome. Did I seriously just think that?

"Fine then, kitty." He purrs like a cat making me frown at him. I just shove him away but he doesn't budge. He was ready for that.

"What can I do for you to make you go to prom with me?" He pleads me with his gorgeous face. Okay I need to stop thinking like that about an ugly human being with the brain like the size of a pea. He pushes me against the locker and moves closer so can feel is breath on my face. Our noses are touching and his minty breath smells nice. His next move made me quickly kick him in the balls making him cover them while he is bending over.

"Nothing. I'm not going with you now stop bugging me and go find another girl." I lock my locker and swing my bag around my shoulder heading to my first class, that sadly includes Jesse. Just thinking about him makes me puke although I have to admit he is cute. Okay Avril that's enough.

I catch up to Clover as she is in my class. "Oh hey Ave!" She smiles hugging me like she hasn't seen me in centuries. "Hey Clov!" We pull apart as the teacher arrives rolling her eyes at us.

"Enter now class!" She says in a sharp voice making me want to cover my ears. Miss Patricia has light grey hair just past her ears and wears really old looking clothes. I'm pretty sure she does teaching for the discipline not to teach kids new things. The bad news is that I'm stuck with her till I leave school. She takes all Humanities classes and Biology. We enter class begin standing behind our desks.

"Okay class, I have assigned you new seats that will be boy, girl!" She grins like a wicked witch-- I'm pretty sure she is one. On Halloween she won't need to dress up. We all groan at the hearing of having to sit next to the opposite gender. Seriously boys, we don't have girl germs but you guys have boy cooties.

"In this seat we will have Linda and next to Linda is Jason." She goes on making me daydream.

I snap out of my daydream when Miss Patricia calls my name. "Next to Xavier we will have Avril, and next to her will be.." Seriously I have a name, it's not her. "Jesse." What. The. Hell?" I groan making my way to my new seat wishing the earth would swallow me and eat me whole. I drop my stuff on my new desk glaring at Miss Patricia behind her back. I'm pretty sure she is grinning like a maniac. What did I do to deserve this? Next to a jerky, idiotic boy.

"Hey Babe." I look over to Jesse shooting him death glares. "I'm not your babe!" I hiss at him making him smirk.

"I know, but I'm yours." I'm glaring so hard at him my eyeballs are sure to pop out any minute. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I have five fingers, the middle ones for you!" Beat that!

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