Habits to develop

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Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated this for a while. I went to a self defense class not too long ago, and I have a few chapters in mind based off of it.

So in the self class there was a stance that we were taught (You see it a lot in fight games.)

Legs shoulder length a part, knees slightly bent, hands placed loosely (Do NOT cross your fingers) at your chest.

You should get into the habit of standing like this. Especially when you answer the door, or you are out in public. When you stand like this two things happen:

1) You are able to react quicker in an emergency. You'll be able to move quickly, and you'll be able to block blows in a shorter time. (That's why you shouldn't cross your fingers.)

2) Criminals might see you in this stance, and perceive you as too much effort and pass you by.

Like I've said before, this doesn't guarantee that nothing bad will happen to you, but it does narrow down the odds of something happening.

that's all for now. Hope this helps. If you have any questions/requests comment below. Love y'all/ stay safe -Reibun

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