the summary of the past months

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Well, i was new at a highschool, heck! i was new to the country, i was living in culiacan sinaloa, pretty damn different than phoenix arizona, okay enough of my past.
So, 2 months ago or so, it was my first day in my new highschool, im not a shy person, but its so different, the change from living in a little ranch to a big town is a little challenging.
In my first period i sat down across the room from were my future love was :3 hehehe.
Yes people, since day one i fell in love,
I saw her flaming red hair, so shiny, silky and long, its like a wild red waterfall, but then she looked my way, and thats what really dragged me in here trap, her eyes werent like no other ive seen, they were so expressful and so delicate (still to this date, i draw her eyes in my notebooks when im daydreaming).
The next day, it was almost the end of a long school day, my eyes were closing shut, i wad in a bad mood, grumpy as'f.... But then she came up to me, my day was instantly turned upside down, from dark and desholated to joyfull and bright, when she asked me "what way do you go to for guitar class"
I swear me legs got wobbly xD and i got toung tied, it was so embarrising. And you know how in stories they describe that feeling in your stomach like butterflies, i didn't feel that, I FELT A BUFFALO IN ALL MY CHEST.
I answered in a cocky way trying to stay low " do we have the same class? Are u shure?"
Deep down i was so happy she asked me first, like a baby eating a hersheys bar.
So we walked my way to our guitar class, we talked, i was asking her stuff about her, thats when i got tangled up on her like a fly crashing on a spiderweb, every single interest she had was the same as mine, we both like metal and indie rock, we both draw, watch anime and play guitar, i almost couldn't believe it, she was the girl of my dreams.
The hole next week we would talk on our way to our guitar class, every minute was going deeper in a love comma, everyday getting even more defendless to her stare, her smile, her voice, even her walk is adorabe in my opinion, one day, just like others, we were walking, and i just snap'd
I had to say what i felt for her, so i man'd up and said " you know, i really like you, i really wanna go out with you" in my mind back then i thought she would say yes, but no, she said no.
The next days i kept asking why she didn't want to, she told me that her parents wouldn't let her.
My heart got shattered in to equall parts, and one half is still with her.

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