Chapter 2

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"Vinny what do you want to be when you grow up?".

He shrugged looking out in the distance deep in thought.

"I'd like to travel the world someday, just go as far as I can".

He turned and looked at me, I know we're only teenagers and I may be thinking ahead of time but I just like having an idea about my future. He looks like he'll settle for anything, or so I assume I wish he would tell me what he's thinking sometimes.

I look over his shoulder to see one of the girls checking him out as usual.

" Vinny that Amber girl is giving you the sweet eyes again".

He looked over his shoulder quickly and shook his head. He then put his hand around me which was a common thing he did.

"Come on I should get you home before your mother gets worried".

"She's going to think we're dating if you don't go talk to her?".

He narrowed his eyes at me then raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oblivious". He muttered bitterly.

" Come on". He said pulling me along with him.

Oblivious to what?.


It's been two weeks already but I still felt the same, last night was odd I felt like someone was watching me sleep and after I did a quick check around the house I realized how paranoid I was being.

The house is located on the outskirts of Italy a long drive away from his house but like that will ever stop him he has been known for breaking and entering into my apartments but that was different, why am I even thinking about this? I doubt he'll even think about doing something like that.

Orlando was in his crib smiling in his own little cute world. My father called and said he'll be over in a bit he's been really supportive lately, I wish Vinny could see him the way I do he's just looking out for me I mean sure he may not go around doing it in the best fatherly way possible but he's trying.

"Dad would you like some coffee?".

" Sure, one sugar hold the milk".

"So have you spoke to him about the divorce papers yet?, it's the only way I could leave the country with the baby".

" I went over there and asked him in the best honest way known and that little shit pulled a gun out on me".

I shook my head.

"I think that's a habit with him he doesn't know how to use his words".

" I see you have most of your stuff packed ". He nodded in appreciation."We're not going to wait on those papers anymore, you'll leave tonight, he won't follow you he's not that stupid".

I sure hope he's right...


When we got to the private area where my father parked his jet they were loading our stuff on when seven sleek black cars pulled up.

" Francesca get on the jet". My father said from next to me.

I held on to the baby as I headed towards it.

"Joe what the fuck are you doing!". I froze when I heard his voice.

" What am I doing?, what are you doing here?, are you going to shoot at your wife and child little Vinny? ".

" Francesca please just look at me". His pained voice said making me come close to tears.

"You don't have to do this please just talk to me".

" I have nothing to say to you".

"Leaving isn't going to stop me, I fucking love you whether you believe that or not and this isn't over between us you know that I don't care if I have to risk my fucking life to get you back to get your trust back but I'll do whatever it takes".

He looked defeated close to tears even, almost made me run into his arms but nothing's changed.

" Dad, I'm ready to leave ". I said softly walking up the steps. I risked another glance over my shoulder and took in his appearance his face was full of hair like he hasn't shaved in few days, his eyes were red and lacked sleep but that's when those images flooded my mind again.

I pulled my eyes away and walked into the jet.

" I swear I'll fucking kill you for this Joe". I heard his voice shouting in the distance.

"You got rid of your family and I'm taking my daughter away before you do the same to her".

"Because you're such a fucking saint you didn't give a fuck about her then and you don't give a fuck about her now-".

" But I didn't shoot her, that was you". My father shot back.

By the mention of those words it brought a few tears loose along with the silence outside. He didn't reply he was probably out there fuming with anger or remorse.

As angry as I am with him I can't stand to see him look like that but dad just had to hit it where it hurts.

I heard the sound of the engines starting as my father walked in.

"Here-". He said handing me a new ID and passport." I only changed your last name to your mother's, Angelo will meet you and take you to your new house. I have some things to sort out here first I'll be there as soon as I'm finished".

He leaned down and hugged me and placed a kiss on the baby's head before leaving the jet.

The Italian Mobster - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now