Chapter 3: "Alone Time"

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Chapter 3:

Armin's P.O.V.

It has been five days since Jean and I have been assigned to be partners, and quite frankly I enjoy his company during class time since Eren always whisks me away during our free session. It's been quite tiring actually since Jean and I have been working over the phone since Eren has been insisting on having me over, and every time I so much as say Jean's name, he gets a little worked up. He is really overprotective, really doesn't like the idea of us getting the chance to be alone, his new reason is that he is a huge distraction(original). Yet here I am in class, sat on the edge of my seat whilst swinging my legs effortlessly, Jean still faced out the window as the teacher walked into the class. "Hello class!" Ms. Ilis cheers, her hands clapping together as she stared into one of the piles she has thrown onto her desk after walking into class. "I have some paper work for you! Now, doesn't that sound fun." The classroom groaned whilst I smiled a little, I noticed Jean pick his head off of the window with a stern face, must have just noticed what she said. He is so silly.

"Fuck no--" Jean starts but I clasp my hand over his mouth just in time, my eyes widening in surprise.

"I'm sorry dear, what was that?" He shook his head after I pulled my hand away and stared at him in shock, his once straight lips cracking into a small smile. "Okay great, anyways have either you or your partner come up to retrieve the papers." Jean was too focused on staring out the window (once again!) to have heard Ms. Ilis, or at least was pretending not to pay attention. I stood up and began to walk when a slightly shorter body shoved passed mine and I landed on a desk, Levi walked past me with a slightly satisfied smirk as I stood back up and rubbed my wrist and left hip. I felt a hand in my shoulder and jumped slightly before looking up and meeting Jean's concerned eyes.

"Are you alright?" He inquired as he inspected my lightly bruised wrist, he was pretty close since he couldn't take up the whole middle section. I felt my cheek heat up at our close proximity and I gnawed on my lower lip nervously, Levi walked past us but in the process 'accidentally' knocking Jean onto my smaller frame and onto someone's desk again. He was right in between my legs, like, right there and boy was it really weird. He seemed to be frozen in embarrassment and my frail hands set themselves into his broad shoulders, waking him up from whatever daze he was in. I chuckled as Jean pushed himself off of the desk and out from in between my legs, we both walked over to Ms. Ilis and received a paper for our project after tell her yesterday.

"I'm fine, thank you but are you alright?" I asked as we made our way back to our desk, Jean instantly went back to gazing out of the window before nodding his head stiffly as if something was seriously bothering him. I once again began to gnaw on my lip as I looked at Jean, pondering which words I should say next, but instead he spoke through gritted teeth. "Can I help you Boar headed bastard?" I furrowed my brows before looking over at Eren who had an intense face on, I was about to break up their little confrontation but someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to see Mikasa standing next to me with a very serious expression.

"Yeah, I'd like it if you would not get all up in Armin like that." Mikasa and I turned around to see both Jean and Eren at each other's throat, of course one of the kids distracted the teacher so the rest of the class could watch as they exchanged hushed words of anger.

"It wasn't my fault, and who are you to say I can't get up on Armin like that." I blushed furiously at those words from embarrassment, and why was Eren blowing what happened between us way out of proportion. Mikasa waved them off before turning back to me, and whispering quietly in my ear.

"I saw what Levi did, do you give me permission to kick his ass for you?" I giggled softly at her words and smiled softly, she returned the smile only hers was smaller. Why is there always a commotion when I'm around, jeez, I'm such bad luck.

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