Chapter 3:: Sunrise and Promises

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(Authors note:: hello again I haven't had an epiphany yet this week so this little note should be short anyway like always I don't own Transformers Prime or the Transformers franchise period Hasbro does nor do I own the Orion Pax story arc so that's the disclaimer as disappointing as it may be T~T. I do however own this story and i forgot to mention last time that the HUD sunglasses were my idea as well and before i forget the glitter bit came from "Fear the Power of Bed Time" by KithialsTheVillan on" it is awesome check it out . Again point out Ocish tendencies and grammar errors I am much obliged to you and a special thanks to you  Pumpkincat thanks for all your help and support, Dragon Ninja my Rp buddy, and all my friends here on Wattpad you guys are awesome and if I named all the reasons it would take up five pages Thanks for all the love and support guys and leave a comment I can't read minds XD as far as you know. :3 )

I woke up the next morning curled up in Orion's Hand I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Orion was still fast asleep and he was murmuring something about ribbons and glitter . I looked at my clock and jumped up it was almost 6:30 in the morning! no! I'm gonna miss it I can't miss it ! I jumped off of Orion's bed and made my way to the door as it slid open Orion sat up fast saying

" It was an accident!!" it took him a second to register where he was he looked around confused for a few momments. he rubbed his optics and looked around for a second then his optics landed on me " Annabeth? Is something wrong?" he asked

:: No not yet anyway:: I paused for a second remembering Orion had been on  Earth for a very short time:: hey Orion have you ever seen a sunrise before?::

" No, why ?" he asked eyebrow raised

:: come on you'll see:: he threw his legs off the side of the bed and stood.

" Annabeth you do realize that it's approximately 6:30 in the morning correct?"

:: yep and we're already late come on if we don't hurry we'll miss it !::

" very well , but where are we going exactly?"

:: outside the ship. I think it's called the flight deck :: he nodded and began walking toward the door

" very well come along then if you wish to see this 'Sun Rise' then by all means let us be on our way" I smiled triumphantly as he offered his hand and I jumped on.

:: you won't regret this Orion I promise, it's worth a few minutes of sleep:: he nodded and walked out the door and into the hall way . We found the flight deck bay doors with no problem they weren't even locked they slid open and Orion stepped through and looked around.

" Annabeth what is it exactly that I am supposed to be looking at?" he asked

:: hold your horses big guy and I'll show you. now take a seat and watch:: he sat down on the ground and looked at me for further instruction. :: now just watch the sky:: he looked forward and as the dark sky began to twinge with bright pinks, oranges, lightish reds, and dark and light blues. His optics widened in awe at the sight of the great red orb that was the sun began to rise in the sky.

" you are correct Annabeth. this is certainly worth a few breems of recharge, but tell me why does it do that?"

:: I wish I could tell you big guy some scientists say it all has to do with the atmosphere, it is one of the most beautiful sights ever no matter where your from. Some Philosophers say it's a symbol for new begins as it happens at the beginning of a new day, but I think that it's just another way God shows us how much he loves us Because he paints us a new picture every morning and night because no one sun rise or sun set are the same::

" I see. Annabeth tell me who taught you about these things? you seem to know so much about this world yet you remember so little of your life in it"

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