Prologue (part 1)

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A/N: This is kind of a flashback to what Megan’s and Harry’s relationship before he left for the X Factor Auditions.

Just so you know  : )


****April 9, 2010****

   The house was all quiet. All you could hear where the small insects outside buzzing around and the quiet cricket noise’s. The living room was illuminated by the TV screen playing Harry and I’s favorite movie “Love Actually”. When it finally came to an end the credits started to play and then soon after shut off. Are arms where wrapped around each other not wanting to let the other go, but to just enjoy the moments we had left with each other. We said nothing to each other for the longest time. I didn’t want to say anything because I knew if I did I would just end up bawling. I still couldn’t bare the fact that he was going to leave me; He would be gone out of my life by tomorrow morning. The last time I will see him is when he’s driving off with his mum and step-dad, but this was something he wanted to do. He wanted to make something of himself; he wanted to make his dreams a reality. I couldn’t just be selfish and tell him it was a dumb idea and that he should just forget about it. No, that would be heartless and selfish of me, that’s like crushing his dreams. No matter how much I love him and want him to stay by my side forever I knew I would have to let him go, even if I didn’t want to.

   I didn’t realize I had been crying until I felt a soft hand brush my cheek and wipe a tear away. Looking up I realized Harry had been staring at me. I stared back into his frosted green eyes, when even in the darkness they seemed to sparkle. He pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my cheek and whispered into my ear “You know I love you Megan, and I’ll be back by your side soon.”He pressed his forehead against mine tickling my forehead with is curls. I closed my eyes I couldn’t take this anymore “I know I love you too Harry, I just can’t bear to see you go” I crocked it was all I could say before the tears started spilling down my face. I felt Harry’s strong arms pick me up and place me on his lap. He started to coddle me as if I were a small child in need of comfort, but to be honest that’s exactly how I felt. I could feel Harry move his head, he brushed his lips to my ear “Sshhhh, it’s going to be alright our love is stronger than this.” My cries went louder hot wet tears started to stream down my face. To the point where when I opened my eyes everything was blurry. How could he be so strong about something like this? Harry seemed to have read my mind, without me even saying anything just by my reaction. That’s how well he knows me. “I’m being strong because I’m still going to be with you no matter how far away I am. And you know how?”

I shook my head because speaking was unbearable at this point. He turned my head and lifted my chin, brushing away any stray tears with his hand “Because I’m going to call you, text you, write letters whatever it takes to keep us together,

And that’s a promise.”

The last part was just barely a whisper, but I could still hear him. I just nod my head while holding his hands. I look up at him and give him a small smile to show him that I’m feeling a little better “So, what song are you singing for your audition?”

He smiled back showing off his dimples “Isn’t she lovely by Stevie Wonder.” He paused for a second and smiled at the ground before finishing. “Wanna guess why I choose that song?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed at his expense to make me feel better.

“Is it because of me?” I asked shyly.

He nodded his head “Yup, because you are oh so lovely.”

I giggled still a little teary eyed and hugged him closer to my body. “You’re so cheesy Harry.” He pulled back a little and smirked “And that’s why you love me.” My smile grew even wider “That’s one reason” I said and gave a quick wink.

We just looked at each other in the dim lighting in silence, while holding each other close. Harry then broke the silence by picking me up bridle style and started walking toward the steps.

He just looked down at me “It’s getting late you should go get some rest now.” He didn’t even wait for me to answer he just started to walk up the steps to my bedroom.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my head to his chest. I could hear his strong steady heart beat against my ear. Harry pushed my bedroom door open with one swift kick of his foot and then walked over to my queen sized bed to tuck me in as if he were tending to a small child. Then he placed his soft pink plump lips against my forehead and another to my lips. He pulled back and whispered, looking me straight in the eye “Good night love.” Then stood up from on his kneeling position and was getting ready to leave, but I couldn’t let him leave or at least not for tonight I was warm under the covers, but yet so cold at the same time. Before he could take a step farther I reached my hand out and grabbed his wrist lightly tugging him closer to me. He looked a little confused, but still put his full attention on me.

“Harry please, don’t go, and I don’t mean to the X Factor auditions I mean can you at least stay with me, for the night.” I looked deep into his piercing green eyes, almost like a pleading child would do. He sighed and then took in a sharp breath like the next things he was going to say, he knew it would hurt me. So before he could even open his mouth to speak I cut him off. “Please” this time it sounded more like begging then anything, but it worked he ruffled his curls really quickly and then nodded his head. He walked to the other side of the bed and fit himself right next to me. Harry wrapped his arms around me holding me close. We cuddled for the longest time just listing to each other’s matching heartbeats.

   After holding each other in our arms I pulled back Harry furrowed his eyebrows confused “What’s wrong babe.” I just shook my head “Harry, don’t you think since this is the last time we will be seeing each other for awhile we should do something special.” I blurted out then bit my lip I hope I wasn’t being to forward, I just felt like the time was right. Harry still was confused and clueless to what I was implying “What do you mea-“before he could finish I crashed my lips against his. He finally got the hint and kissed back biting my bottom lip pleading for entrance I opened my mouth and his tongue slipped into my mouth while I did the same. Are kisses moved in sync with one another. Harry pulled back a little, panting heavily. I moved closer to him and helped him take off his gray t-shirt. He then shifted his body on top of mine helping me take off my shirt leaving me in my bra and PJ shorts. Harry moved back down kissing my neck leaving a trail in-between my breast. Then moving lower to my shorts he placed his hands around them nervously, almost like he didn’t want to take away my innocents. Then he stopped and looked back up at me “Are you sure you want to do this?” I just nodded my head “Yes, because I love you.”

 The last thing I heard him say was “I love you more.”



YYAAYY!!!!! First chapters up!!! Or more like the first half of the prologue, and yes I know you don’t have to tell me why didn’t I just make it into one long prologue well you know what I didn’t feel like it so don’t judge! Gosh. Well anyways I have nothing left to talk about to ya I hope you liked it bye!

OK I lied I did have something else to say. My friend, or more like friends rights stories to and they don’t want to post them on wattpad because there to scared (can you believe that!) so I was wondering if you guys think I should just take their stories and post it for them (and give them credit for it because they don’t have an account). So tell me what you think I should do in the comments please because some of their stories or really good! And should be shared!

Ok now I’m serious this time so bye!!!

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