His to reaction to you telling him your pregnant-

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Nate- it's was on Christmas Day and you had given Nate his 'main present' which he thought was an Apple Watch. But when he opened it, there was a positive pregnancy test inside. when he seen it he kept asking "are you serious?" And he just burst into tears of joy when you nodded clarifying that you were 18 weeks pregnant.

Sammy- you made him breakfast in bed on his birthday and left him a surprise at the bottom of his coffee cup. When sammy finished his cup of coffee and took a double take at the bottom of his mug. He simply read out loud the inscription at the bottom of his mug 'you're going to be a daddy' and looked at you with complete and utter shock and barely whispered "you're pregnant?" And before you could even finish saying the word 'yes', Sammy had jumped out of bed (making the tray and empty plate fall and smash on the floor) with the mug still in hand, he tackled you in a bear hug whilst jumping up and down repeating "I'm gunna be a daddy".

Jack G- You went out shopping with your best friend (who knew you were pregnant). Jack had asked you to pick him up a new pair of blue vans because his latest ones were currently on their last legs; he was currently busy at the studio with Johnson and couldn't get them himself. Returning home you started setting up the plan on telling Jack about the pregnancy. When jack got home he came straight upstairs into your bedroom and asked if you were able to get his vans, which you were, so you handed over the box so he could 'double check' you got it correct. When he opened the box he looked confused as he pulled all of the blue tissue paper out of the box and revealing the baby sized blue vans. "Are you saying what I think your trying to say?" Jack asked you. "Yes G, I am pregnant, I'm 21 weeks pregnant and it's a boy" you said nonchalantly. Jack just hugged you and cried happy tears into your neck when you told him this was the reason you couldn't lose weight.

Jack J- You were waiting for Johnson to come back from visiting Nebraska, and decided tonight was the night your were telling him about a certain expectancy. When he walked through the door and called out your name, you told him you were in the dining room and you quickly hid behind the door. When he walking in he called your name again confused but then he noticed something on the table. He took a closer look, he noticed it was seven positive pregnancy-tests spelling out the word 'HI'. Picking up one of the tests, his eyes started to water; so you stepped out from behind the door and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. He jumped at your sudden movement but instantly turned around and embraced you in a long, warm hug. "I love you (Y/N), I love you so much! I can't even explain how happy I am right now! But all I can say is, I can't wait to raise a baby with the love of my life!" And you both just burst into tears hugging each other for hours on end.

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