How you met-

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Nate- your a family friend and Nate's parents were throwing a little party/get together. Both of your parents set you both up and it turned out you both got on really well. Within a couple weeks after you started dating and have been inseparable ever since.

Sammy- You were at a friends party, and all the while you were there this one guy couldn't keep his hands off of you, no matter how many times you told him to leave you alone. The guy started getting a bit hostile, that's when sammy stepped in and basically told him to fuck off or he'd beat the shit outta him. You thanked sammy and exchanged numbers, he took you home and that night you were up all night texting sammy.

Jack G- You and Jack were 'friends with benefits' for a couple years throughout high school. You both acted like a couple around friends: hugging, making-out; That kind of stuff. No boys were aloud to go near you otherwise Jack would go bat-shit crazy! You were his, without the title. But Jack wasn't yours, it wasn't just you he'd be sleeping with, there were a few other girls. This was a struggle since you've been in love with him all this time. One day you'd had enough you couldn't do it no more and you told Jack you couldn't carry this on anymore because you were in love with him, and it hurt knowing he didn't feel the same. But the fact is he did feel the same, when he told you this your heart melted. That day you both decided to give your relationship a title; you we so happy to be now known as Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend!

Jack J- your friend took you on a blind double date kinda thing. She was with Gilinsky and she wanted you to meet Gilinsky's best-friend; Jack Johnson, because "you two are like so perfect for eachother" were her exact words. You two obviously hit it off really well, your best-friend was right he was perfect for you- practically the male version of you. Surprisingly you and Johnson started dating a few weeks later.

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