Those Things That Guys Do to Make You Swoon

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Here it is. Let me know how it is in the comments, and if I should continue or not! :)


1. Those Things That Guys Do to Make You Swoon

Admit it.

All of us here have had those moments when, while reading a book here on Wattpad, the guy does something so sweet that you just cannot help but squeal so loud and start smiling creepily. I know I have. And I know you have, no need to deny it. :)


1. My Wattpad Love (Chapter 28) by @cold_lady19

"You have to go before I do something stupid," his voice was a soft whisper now.

"No," I took one step forward.

"Jules..." a shiver traveled down my spine. My name sounded so good in that sexy voice of his. He took three long strides towards me, until we were mere inches from each other. He held my face with both hand and rested his forehead on mine. His ragged breath fanned my lips teasingly. God, I'd never wanted something so bad as I wanted him to kiss me.

"I won't let him have you."

"Why?" I looked right into his dark eyes.

"Because you're mine."


Oh, Evan, darling, I would LOVE to be yours. Too bad Jules already called dibs.

This guy makes my ovaries explode. And to think he's only fictional. Oh my god, what if he was real? WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED TO THE FEMALE POPULATION? I wouldn't have looked at any other guys, I promise you that.

Recent comments:
My lovely friend @Saf_Thoo commented: "Can u please stop killing me please? I'm so emotionally weak right now"

@MarieGotImagnation: "Again, this is my 2 or 3 time reading this and I still go in fangirl also gets me hot...I had to turn my AC on....Dont judge..."

@Foodbot: "(─‿─)(∩_∩)(-‿◦)(o^^o)(☆∀☆)<(‾︶‾)>≧▽≦yo(^▽^)o\(^O^)/ლ(๏‿๏ ◝ლ)(◐ω◑ )"

@blackknowledge: "This gave me butterflies! So cute"



I really really love Ariana's writing. The way she writes is amazing, and I'd love to have more and more and more of whatever she gives me. Omfg that sounds so wrong.

Moving on.

2. Project X Series by @_nymphomaniac

Xander. And everything about him. I don't even need an excerpt or something for this. This is one alien who's stolen my heart and I wouldn't mind if he never gave it back. One of the very first Alien/Human books I have read, and I can definitely say that each chapter leaves me wanting for more. I can never get enough of this hunk-a-dunk and if you've read the books, you'll definitely agree with me.

Trust me when I say, these Xrionian men will treat you better than any human ever has. I've experienced it second-hand. They're so gentle and caring and kind and ugh! Everything you'd want in your perfect man. Hey, I'm not saying human men are horrible (not to that extent, they aren't), I'm just saying that Xrionian men are way better. They will rock your world, both literally as well as figuratively. And they will rock your bed ;) if you get my drift. *sigh* if only they were were real. If only Aliens actually existed, if only the aliens that actually existed were like them....

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