Chapter 2

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"Hey, Bunny. Hey, Bunny. Hey, Bunny."

"What, Clyde?"

"What are you listening to?"


"Why do you always listen to musicals?"

"Ever since I met that deaf girl from McConnor, that one town over, and she told me that she loves musicals."

"That is both amazing and heartbreaking, tell me more."

The two stop in front of the diner and walk inside, finding Jeremy sitting there, his computer and homework spread out in front of him. They slide into the booth and Clyde shoves some books off the table.

"What the hell, Clyde?" Jeremy yells, picking up his books. The boy just shrugs.

"These are Oatmeal's notes, by the way, he said you needed them." Jeremy hands Clyde a bunch of crumpled papers, Bunny staring at the both of them.


"It's a long story."

The waitress puts down three milkshakes on the table, smiling at the three of them. Bonnie smiles back, nudging Clyde when he doesn't at first. Then she turns to Jeremy who is texting on his phone.

"You bought milkshakes?" she asks. He glances up and nods, going back to texting. "Who're you texting?" He shrugs.

Clyde pipes in. "His girlfriend." Bonnie chokes on her drink and Jeremy throws his napkin at him.

"Girlfriend?!" she yelps, trying to grin.

Jeremy groans. "I'm texting Scout, you idiot. But yes, I have a girlfriend."

"Ohhh. Yeah, we're all good, Scout's his cousin. You don't know her, Bunny, obviously." Clyde pats Bunny's head and she doesn't even smack his hand away. That's when he knows something is wrong. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head and takes a sip of her milkshake. She grins at Jeremy and he gives her a pursed smile before pointing to his laptop. She jerks her head towards it and starts to scan the article pulled up.

Clyde doesn't comment on her behavior, he's not a snitch.

He reads over the article. According to the snarky, rude, and insensitive writer of the article, the girls of the academy have been going missing for three months. None of the parents have come forth with any hopes of finding them, odd, and no ransom has been placed.

"This sounds really shady," Clyde comments when they finish reading. Jeremy just shrugs and lifts his hands, lips pursed. Bunny nods and pulls out her phone. Clyde tries to see over her shoulder and she moves to the side.

He follows.

They do that little song and dance for what seems like forever until, finally, she decides to lie flat on her back on the booth. A few minutes later, she's sitting up again and showing the other two her findings.

"Wow. The police are really shady, right now."

Clyde is right. From what Bunny found, some anonymous blogger - how cliché - wrote about how some parents did step forward to try to start an investigation and put a reward, but the police shut them down, telling them not to take any action.

"How'd you find that?" Clyde demands

"Yeah, that seems a little too 'How to Get Away with Murder' for my liking," Jeremy adds, taking the phone.

"I love that show," Bunny gasps, trying to grab her phone back. She's one of those people who gets itchy when it gets taken away, like someone will find that really weird fanfiction she was reading and that doesn't sit well with her on any level.

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