10. Daniel

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I know this story has been confusing so far because lots has happened, nothing new will be introduced and less will be happening in each chapter now.

# Maggie P.O.V #

Ughh, Monday again...

It was nice hanging out with Jason and his sister last week though. May is so cute. Me Jason and Daniel have one day left to finish our project for science. It's going to be awkward seeing Daniel again now I know how he feels. I still have to keep up the act of liking him because I don't want everyone to know my secret. How did he find out anyway?

I walked in to science and sat down, Jason was already there.

"Hey Jason," I said.

"Hey Maggie, you okay?" He asked me, indirectly mentioning when he last saw me on Friday.

I sighed, "still haven't worked everything out yet."

I thought about telling him about my sister but decided against it, he already suspects something is up with me and Daniel and I don't want him worrying any more than he is already.

I heard a chair scrape back next to me and turned to see the smirking face of Daniel, "Hey, babe, your back!"

"Hey Daniel" I sighed again and looked out the window.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, sounding genuinely concerned. That can't be right.

I turned to face him and sure enough he didn't have his signature smirk, he was giving me a concerned smile. I just nodded and focused on the board as the lesson had started.

The teacher asked us to work on our group projects and we decided to go to Jason's after school to finish our report off.

The rest of the lessons went by quickly as I thought about what to say to Daniel. I don't want him reveling my secret but I don't want to go out with him. He has been horrible to me since the day we met...


It was my first day on secondary school, my mum drove me to the gates because we lived far away. All the other year 7s were crowded into a crowded Hall with no air conditioning while the headteacher gave us a talk on the school rules.

Next they split us into our tutor groups. There were two groups per house and four houses, I was put in red house.

After two hours of tutor we got taken to the canteen to socialise with everyone else, I haven't made many friends in primary school so I just stood on my own. Suddenly someone shoved me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, dropping the pretzel I had bought.

The person turned round and sneered, rubbing his foot in my pretzel. "Watch where you're going," He spat and walked off.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked me. I turned rou.D and saw a very pretty girl. "My names Lucy."

I smiled at her, "I'm Maggie, who was that?" I asked, pointing at the boy.

"Oh, I see you met Daniel. He went to my old school," she replied.


He shoved me everytime he got after that day, but I never responded. Lucy told me not to give him a reaction.

It was lunch now and I walked over to Daniels table - ignoring his jeering friends - and pulled him outside with me.

"How did you find out?" I asked him, getting straight to the point. It was raining outside and I didn't want to stay out here long, but it was the only way to get privacy.

"I have my contacts..." He replied smirking.

"Does anyone else know? Why are you doing this? And is it true you actually like me?" I asked, throwing in the last question to catch him off guard.

"Only I know, I respect your privacy. You will find out soon enough why I am doing this. And who told you that?" He asked confused.

I smirked, "I have my contacts..."

He glared at me and stalked back towards the door. I ran to catch up, stopping him.

"ok, I won't make fun of you. If it is true - and I'm not saying it is - then why force me to go out with you. Why didn't you just start acting nicer and ask me on a date?" I asked him. I haven't decided if I believed Mitchell or not yet, I had hoped Daniel would tell me.

"Okay Maggie, I'm going to tell you the truth. I do like you. I know I have been horrible to you for ages now but I did it because back in year 7 I didn't know how to talk to you, I just wanted you to notice me. And bullying you was the only was I could think of." He looked at me, but I just gave him a blank stare, he sighed and continued, "When I did realise I could just talk to you it was already too late and you hated me. I found out everything I could about you and when I found out your secret I figured I could use it to date you. I'm sorry." He finished, gave me one last look and went inside.

I stood outside thinking over what he had said, not caring about the rain. He cared about me? Should I forgive him? His speech sounded so sincere and I could tell he wasn't lying. Are we even still dating?

I gave up and went to class, it was awkward because I was next to Daniel again but I just focused other lesson. He didn't even call me babe, I'm going to ask him after school what's up now.

"Hey Daniel," I yelled at him. He turned around and when he saw me he had a hopeful smile on his face.

"Hey Maggie."

"Umm Daniel... Are we still dating?" I asked, worried about the answer.

"No, I figured you would like it if we weren't." He said, "but could I maybe take you on a date to make up for it?"

I looked shocked, "...


Cliffhanger! What do you guys think she will say.

Song of the update: Where We Gonna Go From Here - Mat Kearney

Question of the update: who lives in the UK? Woooooo, I do!

I hope you liked this part, you have to admit that I am getting better at updating.

Please vote, comment and share ;p

I know this story has been quite confusing so please comment here or message me if you need me to answer any questions.

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