9. The Call

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# Maggie's P.O.V #

"Hey, it's Maggie." I said down the phone.

"Hey Maggie, what's it been? Two years?" Diane replied.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you, after leaving the home life has been hectic. Have you left yet?" I asked. I found out I was adopted three years ago but when I made contact with my old parents I was told they died, but I had a younger sister. Diane is my younger sister.

"Not yet, but this couple came in and they asked to see me tomorrow!" she shouted down the phone.

I'm not surprised people want to adopt her, she is eight years old and looks so adorable. My mum hasen't taken me to see her for a while and I haven't phoned, I'll be amazed if she stays in contact later.

"I'm going to ask my mum if I can come and see you, phone me if you are getting adopted." I told her then hung up.

I sat on the bench looking at my phone screen and cried, she is so young. Why do I never seem to have time for her? I don't deserve her.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked.

#Jason's P.O.V #

Since it was my May's first week back and the doctor said I'm aloud to take her outside now I decided to take her to dinner.

"So, how are ypu liking your first week back?" I asked her.

"it's good," she sighed, "When am I starting school again?"

"whenever you feel ready, is that why you have been kind of upset today?"

"yeah, it's just I know people will treat me differently." She told me and looked down at her food sadly.

"So what? Your still friends with Kate right?"

"yeah, but she hasn't come to visit me in ages. I think she's scared of me." She said then ran over and cried into my lap.

I pulled her close for a hug and stroked her hair, "Hey. It's okay. If you want I can talk to her mum and she what's up?"

She looked at me though her tearful eyes, "really?"

"yeah, I'll do that tomorrow. How about now we go to the park?"

"but it's like 7pm. Didn't you say that's when the bad people come out?" she asked me, looking scared but also excited.

"I'll protect you, come on. Let's go."

The park was a fifteen minute walk away so we just talked about her school and I need to help her with the years worth of stuff she missed.

We reached it and decided to go to the swings, "race you!" May laughed while sprinting off.

I chased after her and laughed as she stuck her tongue out at me in triumph. The swings were old and kind of rotten so I decided to push instead of getting on. (I'm not fat, I know y'all are judging me)

We stayed there for a while just talking, not wanting to go home to an empty house. I had considered moving but me and May's friends are here and even though the house feels empty it does hold lots of memories.

I heard crying from near the slide, "May. I'm going to go over there for a few minutes to see if the person is okay, will you be okay here by yourself?" I asked her, gesturing in the direction of the slide.

"Yeah, I'll be fine Jason. But if you aren't back in exactly two minutes then I'm coming looking for you." She replied, crossing her arms across her chest.

I smiled at her and walked over to the crying, I saw a girl looking at her phone screen crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked, I didn't walk over incase I scared her.

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