Internal Anxiety

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Check this out, my best friend wrote a poem about our dear character Temperance <3. 

Read it. Vote on it. And Fan Her. She is amazing at poetry. :)

 Alright, so I someone suggested this to me and at first I shot it down right away. I told her, "I don't want to do that at all." She asked me why, and I told her I wasn't a big fan of novels that did that. But after my last chapter, I was thinking to myself on how to write the next so that in conveys the scene well. I asked myself, "What would the best way to do it?"

Then I thought to my friends suggestion: Change point of views.

I pondered it for a moment, switching to Asa's or Rain's? I thought about how each scene would go, how I could write it, what they would say. Excitement seemed to crawl through me as I thought about Asa's.

So I gave in. Enjoy. :)

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I was astonished by the picture before my eyes. They had spoken to me a few times, but their words sounded like we were underwater as my eyes stayed fixated on Temperance's face. When they told the town that Royalty was coming for a visit, I never imagined it would be her. Immediately old feelings seemed to resurface; bad and good.

Marlene put her hand on my shoulder and I turned and looked into her hazel eyes that stared back into my own. "Asa? Hey are you alright?" It sounded like she was asking it to me again. My lips parted and I stared from her to Temperance. Then two other voices broke the rooms sudden silence.

"Oh no." They began, I could feel their panic, and suddenly I felt panicked. Temperance still hadn't even acknowledged me standing here. Her head didn't move, her utensils simply dropped from her hands and she grew very still. "It's him."

I pulled away from Marlene, and watched as Temperance slumped back and began to fall out of her chair. Prince Rain quickly caught her from hitting the wooden ground. My stomach felt sick at the sight of him touching her, but there was little I could do.

"She fainted," Rain whispered as he lifted her body. "Lets get her to her bed." Echo nodded and walked out of the kitchen with him. I watched them go feeling conflicted and confused. Why did she faint?

I turned back towards Marlene, Raquel was in the room now too. They were both staring at me, and they looked just as confused as I was.

"What do they..." I began to ask. "What do they mean 'It's him?" I saw Marlene's face grow soft and her hand went to Raquel's head. She carassed her hair and Raquel just stared up at me with large innocent eyes.

"You shall be better off figuring that out on your own," Marlene told me. Then she picked up Raquel and stepped out of the kitchen towards the front door.

"Yay! Will you catch fireflies with me?" Raquel joyfully remarked until they disappeared.

I sat in the kitchen, and sat, and sat some more. Time either was ticking by slowly or quickly. My mind was reeling with thoughts so quickly, so many questions. I replayed the scene over and over in my head trying to find a hint of what they could mean. But I found no answers by the time Prince Rain entered the room with a hardened expression across his face.

"Is she alright?" I asked as I stood up in the presence of him.

"No need to stand." He muttered as he picked up the dirty plates and began to walk them over to the other table. I sat back down silently, I could tell I wasn't welcomed or allowed to be on his friendly side. I didn't blame him. "I had no idea the guy she spoke of was you." He spat, I could feel his glare on the back of my head. "Now everything makes sense now as to her behavior towards me."

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