Live, Love and Be Human

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I do not believe in God. I do not believe in any being who decrees who I am to be, how I am to act, who I am to love and to accept, what I am to eat. I do not believe in any being who will punish me for not complying to their wishes. Most of all, I refuse to live my life for someone or something else, rather than for myself. I want to make my own choices based on my own decisions, my own beliefs and my own experiences. I want to think for myself, decide what I think is right and wrong. I want to stumble and fall and learn, without being a sinner. I do not want to repent, or confess. I cannot learn if making mistakes condemns me. 

I believe in humanity. I believe that, if I hold on to my humanity and live according to it, embracing love, compassion, patience, ambition, I will look back on my life and be proud. My conviction is that listening to my moral compass is all I need to guide me in the right direction. I’ll need a lot of advice and help along the way, but I know that I’ll know to ask for it.

I believe, that if I can look in the mirror and smile at what I see, if I can look myself in the eye and be proud of myself, of who I am and who I am becoming, then there can be no God or sentient being that will punish me. No one, god or not, can hold it against me that I live my life according to what I believe to be right.

My religion is Love. My God is Energy. My priestess is myself. I trust in myself to lead me through life. I trust in the people around me to teach me who I am, with those giant mirrors they hold. I trust in the bumps in the road to trip me and the tufts of grass to catch me – or not, depending on the lesson I need to learn. I trust in myself to make the right choices and to learn if I did not. I do not want to feel regret, ever, because regret means inability to learn. I want to learn, always, because standing still is the quickest way to death, most painfully that of the mind. 

I refuse to follow what someone else said, because they said it, because everyone else believes it. I want to have all those strings in my own two hands. I want to think, analyse and determine direction. I want to feel, intuitively, emotionally, physically. I will preach my own beliefs to none but myself or those who ask for it. Because I am no follower. I am a thinker.


This one might be a bit harder to swallow for some of you out there. I just want to assert again, these are my personal beliefs. I do not think that they need to be true for anyone else. Everyone is entitled to their own truth. If God, or any other Being is your truth, I respect that. I am not saying that it is wrong to believe in a god, I am saying that it doesn't compute for me personally. 

Thank you for reading,



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